HER-2 positive - phezgo injections.....

  • 15 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Hi all Blush I'm currently nearing the end of my chemotherapy treatment for a grade 2 invasive tumour that's HER-2 positive. I've had a mascteomy previously (6 years ago) on my other breast, but didn't need chemotherapy for that side.. So my second road into breast cancer but first with chemo!

I'll have surgery after my chemo is finished (MRI scan tomorrow and seeing surgeon the week after). Possibly radiotherapy and then Phezgo injections for another 8 months (if my maths is right!).

I've done scalp cooling during my chemo (3 x ECT and 4 x docetaxel) Laughing with a reasonable amount of success. I have an almost bald spot across the top of my head but it's done pretty well. Now I'm nearing the end of my chemo I've suddenly started thinking about having the phezgo injections for so much longer. At the moment, I don't know what side effects are from the docetaxel and what is from phezgo, as I have them on the same day. I've read about hair loss and phezgo, which now has been worrying my hair my not grow back as I'd hoped after chemo is finished. Plus what the other side effects will be from phezgo, when I return to work etc. I'd been so looking forward to the end of chemo and focusing on getting through that part, that I'd almost forgotten I'd got this bit to contend with as well....

There seems to be very little information online about people having phezgo injections after chemo. I can chat to my oncologist is a couple of weeks but wondered if there are any others out there with a similar treatment path? 

Thank you so much all x

  • Morning! I lost my hair with chemo as I didn’t cold cap but my hair did grow back on phesgo alone. I can honestly say I had minimal side effects. On the day and day after my leg felt a little stiff and I got a red rash that wasn’t itchy. I have a physical job in a primary school and other than having the time off for the injections themselves I was fine to work, like I say some stiffness. I think my hair might’ve grown at a slightly slower rate but it grew well, full coverage, thick and healthy. Hope that helps x

  • Hi Anna, 

    Thanks so much for replying. That's reassuring to hear that. I mean, the hair is probably the least of the things to be worried about really isn't it but I'm so looking forward to normal hair care aHeartain! I also get the pain in my leg after the injections so at least that's a known! Thank you again for taking the time to reply. Wishing you all the best! Heart

  • Hi Eden2907, I had 3 EC cycles and 4 docetaxel and lost my hair, as I decided not to cold cap. I also started phesgo injections at the same time as the docetaxel. My hair started growing back just before my final docetaxel. Even on phesgo it has continued to grow well. My husband trained at the hospital, so I could have the injections at home, once chemo had finished. The only side effects that I get are itchy arms, which they treat with anti histamine. I wish you well on your journey moving forward. Xx

  • Hi Daisy,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. This has been really reassuring and I'm so glad I reached out. It's just another unknown part of the journey isn't it but I glad this place exists forHeartsupport! Heart

  • Hi Eden, after my chemo, I went on to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. They also took 20 lymph nodes, as one had shown cancer, when I had biopsies. The results after surgery, showed no sign of cancer at all, so chemo had been a great success. I am on letrazole for 5 years, also zoledronic acid infusions every 6 months, for 3 years. I am now waiting for a reduction of my healthy breast, so still a way to go yet. Xx

  • Hair signifies so much, it’s definitely not a silly thing to worry about, good luck xx

  • Hi there, 

    I just thought I'd add my experience to hopefully reassure you a little bit more. I have stage 4 breast cancer with secondary bone cancer. I had radiotherapy on a tumour that was pressing on my spinal chord which I tolerated not too badly.

    More importantly, I had my last of 6 cycles of Docetaxel on 4th December. I've now had 3 Phesgo injections (every 3 weeks) and I'm pleased to say I've had no obvious side effects and my hair is growing back. I've to continue with this routine until my next scan in March.

    I hope this is of some comfort to you. 

    All the best for the future. 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and share your experience. It's really reassuring to hear this and has made me feel a lot more positive about that step in the process. Wishing you allHeartthe best with yours also Heart

  • Hi Daisy24,

    Can I ask if any of the 20 lymph nodes removed had indicated scar tissue from chemotherapy? 

    I had a lymph node dissection for HER2+, ER+ breast cancer as well, with one confirmed lymph node at biopsy.  After chemo and Herceptin, they removed a total of 12 nodes, and pathology came back at no cancer detected in breast or lymph nodes.  Yayyy great, BUT patholody did indicate that the 12 lymph nodes all had benign scar tissue from chemotherapy.

    I don't know why, but this fact scares me somewhat, not knowing exactly where the scar tissue resulted from.  I don't want to overthink it, but to me, it sounds as if they were all positive from the start.

    I did ask my doctor and he said that there was no way of knowing if the scar tissue was a result of the nodes being positive vs could have just been from inflammation.

    I would love to compare your pathology results or anything your oncologist may of advised you regarding lymph nodes.

  • Hi Chella, unfortunately I can't be of much help to you. I was only told that during surgery they took the 20 nodes, none of which showed any sign of cancer. I do know that the first node was positive after the biopsy. No one mentioned to me anything about scar tissue, so I have no idea if there was any. Sorry that this is really not much help to you. Xx