Hair regrow after chemotherapy

  • 7 replies
  • 285 subscribers
  1. Hi, looking for some advice regarding scalp tightness and tenderness after chemotherapy, my treatment finished in April 2024 and my hair has grown and is now about 2inches all over although I have had a couple of trims from hairdresser.
  2. i am still having Herceptin injections plus daily Letrozole and Zolotronic acid infusions twice yearly.
  3. I am not sure if this is from the treatment or something entirely different.
  4. Thank you in advance 
  • Hi Skylark, I'm one of the community champions here in this group and I just picked up your post.   I don't recall any tightness when my hair grew back, but my scalp can be tender in places from time to time.  I'm also on letrozole and zoledronic acid.   Are you using any particular brands of shampoo or conditioner that might be impacting this?  Hope this eases for you soon, if not might be worth a chat with your GP.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank Irishgirl for your reply.

    It’s not so much tightness as a weird kind of sore itchyness,  my hair is probably about two inches and curly it is growing up - like grass Joy my hairdresser has tidied it up a couple of times. I use aveno shampoo, shower gel and moisturiser as Clatterbridge had recommended to me.

    Did you have Herceptin injections during and after chemotherapy, I am having my injection Number 15 today - only 3 more to go

    Will  maybe chat to the Clatterbridge nurse when she comes later.

    Wishing you well in your recovery Xxx

  • Hi

    I have found the charity "Cancer Hair Care" very helpful. I use Faith in Nature products that are not perfumed. I also add Rosemary Oil to these products. Advice given by them.

    As I have TNBC I am not on Letrozole.  I have heard that those on this medication it can cause hair growth issues.

    I was fortunate that the cold cap worked well for me. 

    All the best with finding out more information.


  • Thank you Ricki,

    I will look into cancer hair care web site and the rosemary oil.

    Thank you for the advice and wishing you well in your recovery.Xxx

  • Hi, yes I had herceptin injections which lasted long after chemo. Luckily I had no side effects from those. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi 

    I also finished chemo in April 2024 and have on occasions felt tightness in my scalp but mostly it's been very itchy especially after washing it ! My hair is very messy and sticks out all over the place which I find very hard to deal with !xx 

  • Thank you Skw.

    I think that I coped better with no hair than the way it is now.  As I have always had my hair coloured with highlights and my hairdresser is very reluctant to colour it for now it is a horrible dirty grey that will not lay flat it just stands on end.

    Ricki told me about the Cancer hair care web site and have ordered the Rosemarie tonic in the hope it will strengthen and tame it a little.

    This time last year when I couldn’t see an end to my chemo and the fear of surgery to be now so obsessed with my hair seems so petty and ungrateful to the wonderful doctors and nurses who have gotten my here for which I am eternally thankful.
