Cold Cap advise?

  • 2 replies
  • 281 subscribers


I’ll be starting Chemo soon and wanted to hear from anyone who had the Cold Cap.

Did it make your time at the hospital much longer? 

Did you have to have your hair cut beforehand - mines nearly waist length and really thick,  so is it still possible?

Was it really painful?

Thank you so much xxxx

  • Hi

    i had long curly hair and used cold cap for the first two EC chemo.  I didn’t need to cut my hair. I took my own conditioner with me. I coped with it and actually found it distracted me from the chemo itself.  I started losing a lot of my hair after second chemo and didn’t use cold cap for the third cycle. 

    I had a nice hair cut now and I am happy with it. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Mucca x

  • Just to add to previous response which I agree with. Thick hair is good as you will probably lose some. I lost about a third to a half but never needed a wig.. I took 2 paracetamol before each session. I only washed my hair once or sometimes twice in the 3 week cycle and I used a very wide toothed wood comb. It does take longer but I think worth it. Oh and make sure the cap is pulled down tight to your skull. I also used either baby shampoo or Grow Me.

    BTW use dark nail varnish on both hands and feet. I didn't know to and ended up with fungal infections and ingrowing toe nails. Also keep an eye on your feet and report any tingling to your chemo nurses. I have slight neuropathy in my feet.(4 years on), Good luck