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I'm due to have lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed first week in February which will be day surgery (all being well). Does anyone have advice as to what I should take with me and what to wear? I'm thinking loose clothing, perhaps front opening. What about a bra? I've no idea what I'll need. 

  • Hi , I had lumpectomy and sentinel node removal

    last year  . I bought front fastening bras from m and s .

    you will need to sleep in one, so I bought 2.

    also , wear something like a shirt , so you don’t have to pull anything over your head . Same for pyjamas .

    your arm will be stiff for awhile ., they will give you a sheet of exercises that you start on day after op .

    Good luck x

  • Hi HeatherLassie

    Comfy clothes as there may be lots of waiting around, I wore pull on joggers and a zipped hoodie, front fastening bra. Button front pyjamas are suggested though I didn’t wear mine as went from clothes to hospital gown (dressing gown over) and back into clothes after. Slippers. Stuff to read/do as it can be a long day if you are last on the list. Spare underwear just in case you end up having to stay in for any reason. Small towel, some wipes and a toothbrush and paste to freshen up. A cushion in the car on the way home may help you feel more protected and comfortable depending on how you feel but I found it more cumbersome than comfortable so abandoned that!

    Hope everything goes well with your surgery and wishing you well for your recovery. You will be in safe hands. x