Picc line update

  • 3 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Hi just thought I'd update my appointment of this morning as last week was a disaster...The picc line is in phew the man was lovely and I said of being in the same position as last week...He said don't worry I got you I'm the best...Well as I did take that drug to calm me aswell....Thanks for reading:-)

  • Glad to hear that you have the PICC line in.  It will be a godsend as regards having bloods and chemo done.

    Best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hope it all settles soon, mine took a good week until the arm was back to normal but am glad now I have it rather than via a cannula (always been petrified of needles). Sending lots of hugs xx

  • Aww thank you hunnie yes it's been ok but now a little soreness is coming..yeah hate needles don't look when they do bloods..sending love and hugs back xx