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Hi I've been taking anastrozole for a week and due to constant itching I've been told to stop immediately, has this happened to anyone and if so did they put you on another hormone many thanks Blush 

  • Hi Moly,  my situation was a little different as I had been on anastrazole for about 6 months.  I started to get itchy basically on my chest and near my underarms.  I have atopic dermatitis so thought it was that at first but had never had any issues of itching from that in that area.  The itching became worse so saw oncologist and told her I thought it was anastrazole.  Well she gave me meds for itching and told me to stay on the Anastrazole and call her in a few days.  Well the itching got worse and started to spread to other areas so on Sunday I stopped taking it.  Called oncologist Monday and she told me to stop anastrazole for 2,weeks and continue with antihistamines.   I didn’t get any better off the Anastrazole and felt tired from the antihistamines so decided it must be something else.  Only thing I could come up with was a benzoyl peroxide wash that I had been using under my arms as I didn’t need antiperspirant if I used it.  Well guess what it was that wash that I had become allergic to.  I had been using it for well over a year. 
    If you have started to use any new products on your skin you may look into it.  Sometimes it can be the Anastrazole but maybe not.  Good luck in getting to the root cause.  If it is Anastrazole they can try letrozole or exemestane.  Take care.


  • Hi Barbara I just mentioned it yesterday as I went in to get ready for when my radiotherapy starting, I haven't used any new products but the itching was awful, I should have taken a tablet last night but obviously didn't and this morning the itching has got better ,I have my appointment to start my radiotherapy on the 28th of Jan and I will be seeing my consultant also,let's see what's next thank you for replying it does put me at ease and how strange that something you had used for quite awhile caused it ,it's like being a detective Blush

  • Oh yes sometimes the itching was intense.  I hope the itching improves and you may need something before the radiotherapy as you cannot move to scratch.  You should be much better by the 28th


  • Hi Barbara itching has gone completely and I was a little breathless I'm back to normal today so I'm guessing I will have to try another type of hormone tablet as you said Blush

  • Yes I think so.  Glad itching is gone.  I don’t know if they would give you another trial on the Anastrazole but probably not as the other 2 options are good.  None better than the other.  
