overstretched and now swelling / light pain

  • 2 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Hi all, feeling a bit foolish. Saturday at just over 4 weeks post surgery (lateral mammoplasty) I overstretched my left arm / chest - I felt a pull in my chest at the time but there is nothing visible. However, since then I have significantly regressed in how that area feels - back to tightness into upper chest / shoulder / uper arm and pins and needles / numbness in arm etc. I am upping my exercises gently as am guessing I have pulled the tissue / internal stitches and triggered some edema again... Anyone else ever had this or have any advice? Thanks. 

  • Hi obobof

    I'm Daisy53 one of the Community Champions on this forum.  I suggest that you contact your breast care nurse and explain your symptoms to them and they should be able to advice you what to do.

    Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks for replying Daisy53. I don't have a BCN - she has been on sick leave for 6 weeks and if I call now, I rarely get a call back. I will see how it goes and if gets significantly worse will see my GP perhaps.