Should my lymph nodes be rechecked? Advice please.

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  • 284 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed DCIS / IDC early Oct. First op (WLE / SLNB) 24/10 - lymphs were clear but close margins x 3. Because of hospital delays my second surgery (lateral mammoplasty) was 7 weeks later - a further 15mm DCIS and 9mm IDC tumour were found. In total 70mm DCIS + 3 tumours (largest 20mm). This time margins were clear (closest 2mm). 

After 1st surgery I was told all IDC was removed and close margins were DCIS only, however, more invasive cancer was in fact found at 2nd surgery. My medical plan has not changed in that I will be having radiotherapy to affected breast only very soon (preparatory CT scan this week). I have been having a bit of a wobble in that I had an invasive tumour for a further 7 weeks but am not having any checks to see if it spread during that time. I don't have an assigned BCN at the moment (she has been off sick for 6 weeks) so I did speak to a lovely nurse from here yesterday who said it was a valid question to ask. I managed to leave a message with the oncology secretary - they called back to say that 7 weeks is not considered a sufficient time to warrant reinvestigation of lymph nodes. 

I don't feel very reassured. Does anyone have any experience of something similar? Thanks for any advice. 

  • Hi there, I'm one of the community champions here on the forum.  I was just wondering if you've given the team here at Macmillan a call with your question. They'd probably be able to share some thoughts on this and have a chat to you. You can call on 0800 808 0000.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thanks for the reply, appreciated. I spoke to a lovely nurse from here who said there wasn’t any guidance they knew of and recommended contacting my medical team. I guess I was hoping that others have had similar experience (long wait between surgeries and more invasive cancer found) and could share whether or not they had further checks. It’s making me really anxious.