How soon does chemo start

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  • 279 subscribers

Dear All, I had a mastectomy last month and received a call yesterday to go to the clinic on Monday so I am guessing my results are now in from the surgery. I had been told previously I may need chemo if this is the case please can I ask how soon after being told you will need chemo did you actually have the first session. Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

  • Hi  

    I was told on 20 May 2022 the results of my surgery and that I would need chemotherapy. My first chemotherapy was on the 6 July 2022.

    Hope that helps

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi. I was told I would need chemo very early Sept and I had my first Chemo on 1st October. 

  • Thank you so much, I thought I may need to start straight away and so trying to make plans x

  • Thank you so much, I thought I may need to start straight away and so trying to make plans x

  • You should know more tomorrow so will then be able to plan.

    Good luck

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I should also say, that if it's like my trust, I got on oncotyping results (meaning I needed chemo) by phone from the breast cancer nurse within the surgery team and they said they'd refer me to the oncologist to discuss chemo. I had to wait for that appointment. Then there was a two week wait to get my PICC line and start chemo. All that was the one month I referred to above. Though I did push for an earlier oncologist appointment as there was a 6 week delay with my oncotype results (that's another story due to their error in sending the wrong sample!). I got an urgent appointment 2 weeks earlier than they tried to offer me. 

    You should know more tomorrow either way. I'll be thinking about you. 

    I've got my last chemo cycle on Wednesday. X

  • Thank you so much, I thought I may need to start straight away and so trying to make plans. How did you find the whole chemo experience. Sending lots of love and healing hugs x

  • I totally understand that. Making plans is a good idea. Getting things in place does help. 

    I found EC not too bad to be honest.  The fatigue wasn't too bad. I was still doing the school walk and they say walks do help. The main thing was the nausea but that only lasted a few days and was managed by the medications they gave me. I was hospitalised with neutropenia after the first cycle so they reduced the C part to 83% for cycle 2 and 3. 

    I've found the Docetaxel much worse on the first cycle even though they recommended a 75% dose because of the neutropenia. I had my treatment on Wednesday and Saturday was awful, but I wonder if I had a cold as well which didn't help. I was in tears.  Sunday was a little better. And it got better from there. The second cycle was easier. 

    I plan on doing nothing but resting next weekend and my husband is on all child related duties next weekend as that's when it's at its worst. I'll be glad to be done with this stage. Only do what you are able to and don't push yourself to much. But do try to do some walks as they say it helps with the fatigue.  Also drink plenty to flush the toxins out. I didn't do so well with this after the last cycle and my blood results showed that. X

  • Thank you so much for the information, I will be glad to know at my appointment today what the plan is x