Results not what I wanted

  • 17 replies
  • 282 subscribers
  • Well. Had my results yesterday and it couldn’t have been worse to me. The lumpectomy margin wasn’t clear and the lymph node came back positive. I’m devastated. The surgeon said he couldn’t believe the node was positive, so I asked if I could have it anywhere else. He said he’d organise a CT scan, which is for tomorrow to find out. At the least, I need another op to remove more tissue and a full node clearance. I’m so scared I have it somewhere else. I can’t stop crying. I do t know how long the wait is for the scan result, but he’s booked me in for surgery again on 26th   I just hope this doesn’t get cancelled or changed as it’s a Sunday at a different hospital. 
  • I replied on another thread

    please try not to get too dispondent it’s very common to not have clear margins and/ or node involvement (even with clear node scan)……. They can work with it. Take care   

  • Mary I was the same lymph node came back positive and I  felt devastated, I called the Mcmillian help line and spoke to one of the nurses, they were so reassuring and went over everything with me I felt more positive after the call. It's not the news any of us  want to hear but there is so many options and seemingly its quite common . Sending you a hug x

  • Did you have full node removal? Is it a lot more painful than the biopsy if so x

    • I'm just waiting on a date for full auxiliary clearance  , should be in the next couple weeks. 
  • Same here. They’ve given me 26th but I’m not holding out much hope as it’s a Sunday, at a different hospital and the pre op form that I got sent said I was on waiting list. I don’t know how I can double check as when I tried to ring breast care nurse the message said the line isn’t for appointment enquiries 

  • I got a pre op assessment yesterday over the phone and the nurse said I was on the waiting list as urgent but she  couldn't give me a date. I've to go to outpatients next week for an ECG, so nothings going to happen untill I've had that The waitings the worst part,but keeping myself busy.

  • I really hope you don’t have to wait long 

  • Hi 

    Please try not to worry - silly I know!

    I had a lumpectomy and full node clearance back on November. I also had to go back in for a shaving as didn’t have a clear margin on the breast. That was ok,!they went back on through the same scar and recovery felt quicker.

    The main Op itself was ok, tbh I found the breast biopsy more painful!. The biopsy under my arm at the start of my journey was relatively painless..

    After my lumpectomy and full node clearance, I was in more discomfort than pain. Nothing paracetamol couldn’t sort. Definitely do the exercises afterwards. I was told leave it a week before the advanced ones after the node clearance.
    At first I did struggle doing them, only because it felt tight under my arm as I had a swelling under there.

    Unfortunately I got cording which was quite painful, but I persevered with the exercises and they really helped.

    I hope all goes well for you, I know for me, the waiting has been the hardest part. xxxx

  • Hi NewJourney. 
    thank you for the reassurance. I’m worrying about the cording and swelling but I will do the exercises as you say. To be honest the biopsy has been ok after the burning feeling has started to go. It just feels a bit tight when I stretch my arm up. I know it’s not going to be so easy after the next op but will persevere. 
    in hope you are doing well xx

  • My swelling wasn’t too bad, I had like a squishy tennis ball in the armpit, and it made it harder to do the exercises. That’s when the cording started, was quite quick.

    I spoke to the MacMillan nurse and she said to take painkillers half hour before then do them. And touch wood, the cording has gone and the swelling has gone right down.

    The sensation felt strange after, very numb in my armpit, and  all down the back of my arm, but that’s all coming back slowly.

    Im still doing the exercises,  as if I miss a day I really feel it.

    Please message me if you need to chat or ask anything xxx