What questions should I ask Oncologist at end of treatment appointment for Lobular Cancer ?

  • 3 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with Lobular Cancer in March 2024. I finished my treatment in mid December and have an appointment in 2 days time with the oncologist.

I know there must be loads of questions that I should be asking about going forwards, but I'm so vacant at the moment that I can't think of any.
Any suggestions please?



  • I’m also diagnosed with lobular. My main concern is the tests after treatment. Will we have mammograms or breast mris? 

  • I think I would be wanting to know how successful they think the treatment has been, risk of on going side effects of treatment,  who to contact if have any symptoms or concerns inbetween appointments,  hormone therapy? Check ups, any future symptoms to be concerned about or to report.  Good luck and wishing you all the best xxx

  • Hi I was diagnosed in June 24 with lobular finished active treatment end september

    i asked about follow ups _ pushed for mammogram ultrasound MRI as mammograms failed to spot it

    what I could do to help myself - diet, exercise, supplements , alcohol 

    what to look out for recurrence wise

    i still worry ALOT though and will never truly believe that the scan don’t miss things with lobular