Diagnosed Yesterday - Feeling Terrified

  • 17 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Wishing the best to everyone for the New Year.   Following a recall after a routine mammogram I had biopsy and ultrasound and received results yesterday.  I have invasive ductal breast cancer, grade 3.

We are supposed to be going on holiday next week to Lanzarote.  The nurse said it was ok to go as I would probably have to wait until end of Jan or beginning of Feb before I can have lumpectomy.  The cancer is only 4mm at the moment but I'm concerned it could grow whilst waiting for lumpectomy and wonder if going on holiday is a good idea.

Just wanted to hear from others who have been through same as I am feeling very frightened and tearful at the moment. 

  • Hello  I took was diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer grade 2 it was also found in one of my lymph nodes .routine mammogram like you back in Nov .Was told the diagnosis on 5th Dec and am now,waiting results of CT scan before surgery .It is such a,waiting game which is so stressful.I just want it out and to hopefully move on to the next stage of treatment .

    I was also told to go away on a booked break on 17 th Jan as my CT scan result would not be available for 2 wks !! 

    Try and enjoy your holiday and remain positive during this horrid waiting game .

  • Thank you so much for your kind reply.  Trying to remain positive but always been a worrier.  Its comforting to know others out there who understand.

    Hope all goes well for you and you have a good holiday.

  • Hi Kellett

    So sorry you have to be here, but welcome!

    I would absolutely go on your holiday! The waiting part is the worst bit by far so if you have something planned in that time to distract you from things, even if not completely, then I would definitely do it. x 

  • Thank you for the warm welcome and for your advice.  Very much up and down at the moment.  Change of scene may be good and hopefully provide a distraction.

  • My cancer was IDC too, Grade 2. My lumpectomy was postponed a couple of times and, like you, I was scared this would mean it could spread in that time. I think we all have that worry. I was told it wouldn’t and they were right as I had good surgery results with clear lymph nodes. Your team would not say to go on your holiday if they thought it would put you at any further risk. 

    It’s impossible not to be up and down, it’s a huge thing to receive a diagnosis, but it does get easier the more you know and when you have a clear plan. If you have any questions then ask away and we will all do our best to help with them. x 

  • Thank you Ebee.  I feel reassured by your comments and I am so pleased you had good results.  No doubt I will have further questions as I go along and it so good to know there is help and support. xx

  • Hi I’m the same as you, waiting for ct results. Once these are back then I’m having a mastectomy on 24 jan. How are you managing on a day to day basis? Do you have any other symptoms? I don’t have any symptoms and I’ve been told my bc type is not aggressive and slow growing. It’s in my lymph node as well. I really am struggling. I phone Macmillan every few days just to talk to someone. My mind goes to the worst possible place as I also have an anxiety disorder. Really hope we get good results. 

  • Hi  I'm just taking each day as I can some days are better I'm trying to remain positive as my husband said we can't change the results it will be what it will be so try and not dwell on the worse outcome but it's easier said then done .

    • I'm back to see the team on 29 Jan which seems,a life time for the results of the scan no date for surgery but I'm hoping it will be soon after then it will have been 7 wks since my diagnosis and I can't help wondering if it's growing !! I don't have,any other symptoms and feel well in my body just not in my head !!
    • I hope and pray we get good results  this is the first time I have been on the site  but I feel it is helping to know we are not alone xf
  • Waiting for the ct results is definitely stressful. Don't be hard on yourself - whilst waiting for the results of mine I really made use of this chat, plus I took up all offers from friends & family to keep doing stuff as keeping busy really helped me.

    I'll keep everything crossed for you xx

  • I contacted my bcn and she said ct results take 7-10 days then need an appt with consultant to get results. So it’s looking like 2 weeks. Feels like a lifetime to wait.