Picc line associated blood clot and chest infection

  • 2 replies
  • 281 subscribers


i was suppose to have my third cycle of EC chemo today, however after scan showed that I have picc line associated blood clot and chest infection, it is postponed by a week. I was as well dehydrated. Spending today on a drip and came home with medications to take. Blood thinning and antibiotics. 
I wondered if anyone has had this? 


  • Hi Mucca, I'm one of the Community Champions in this group and just picked up your post. How frustrating it must be to have your treatment delayed but issues like this aren’t that unusual.  I hope the antibiotics do their trick quickly and you get back on track soon, best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Yes I had a PICC line blood clot - the line was removed and I had apixaban blood thinner prescribed for 4 weeks. I understand however that it’s not always necessary to remove the PICC line after a blood clot so don’t worry if that doesn’t happen. The chemo nurse was pretty annoyed that a&e removed the PICC line as my veins were rubbish! This was after my 5 chemo session.  

    I also had a chest infection after my last - sixth - chemo - the chemo nurses told me to go to a&e where I had IV antibiotics and was prescribed amoxicillin & doxycycline  (antibiotics) to take for 2 weeks. I had seen my GP two weeks earlier and she’d refused to prescribe antibiotics as “it’s viral”. I wasn’t impressed to end up in a&e later on! 

    It wasn’t a particularly fun time and I really feel for you. However it was all resolved by antibiotics and blood thinners - I felt much better on both within a few days. Do speak with your team if you don’t feel better.