Paclitaxel and Herceptin

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  • 282 subscribers


I have recently undergone a mastectomy for stage 1 IDC, my results were ER+, PR- and HER2+.

because of the HER2+ I need Herceptin which you can only have with a course of chemotherapy. It has been recommended that I have 12 weekly sessions of Paclitaxel and 3 weekly injections of Herceptin for a year. My understanding is that by having Paclitaxel weekly it builds up in your system so the first few weeks can be ok but it can be more debilitating as the weeks go on.

Have any of you had the same treatment and can you kindly advise me of what I should expect, how bad was it after a few weeks? Also can you cold cap with this treatment? I am unsure if I should be ordering a wig now or see how it goes.

I appreciate your help with this, thank you

  • Hi, I had a different type of chemo, but I did have 3 ekelt herceptin, initially by IV and then by injection. I had no side effects at all from the herceptin, which was really encouraging.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Molly Olive

    I had a lumpectomy last December followed by Paclitaxel, Herceptin and 5 sessions of radiotherapy.

    Overall, Paclitaxel wasn't as bad as I expected. I didn't have vomiting or feel nauseous although I had a metallic taste whenever I ate. My bowels were okay throughout the treatment. I had a red face and neck for a couple of days after the Paclitaxel for the first cycle, that was because of the steroid prior to having the infusion. My skin became quite dry especially on my face and I had brown marks mostly above my lips, this cleared up once treatment finished. Some of my toe nails and finger nails became purple and  lifted, they are fine now and I had minor peripheral  neuropathy in fingers and toes which  I still have. My eyelashes and eyebrows fell out once treatment had finished, but they grew back quickly.

    I was tired when having chemo and I still tire easily,  the oncologist said that is quite often a result of having radiotherapy.

    I kept a diary of my symptoms throughout but to be honest once it was all over I forgot much of it. I didn't find it debilitating but appreciate that people react differently to treatment.

    I cold capped throughout , my hair did become much thinner and I lost quite a bit from my crown . I kept delaying getting a wig and in the end, I just wore headbands to hide the loss. My hair started regrowing whilst I was having chemo and the bare patches filled in fully about 3 months after chemo finished.  I had  chemo through a picc line rather than a cannula, although initially I was adamant I wasn't having a picc line it made it much easier for having bloods taken and having chemo.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment


  • Thank you so much for replying,  I  appreciate it x

  • I too had 3 months Paclitaxel and will finish 12 months of Herceptin in three weeks time. I cold capped throughout those first 3 months. Side effects were so minimal I can barely remember them. However I do know remember it was essential to take the nausea medication at regular intervals before I felt anything. I missed a dose once and began to feel really sick but it went away quickly as soon as I took the prescribed medication. Also when I started to feel a little constipation I asked for and took the daily medication given to me by the chemo nurse and never again had that problem. I did not lose any hair on my head but did lose some from my eyebrows and I lost hair everywhere else on my body!! Some of my toenails went black and eventually fell off but they grew back quickly. My fingernails became brittle and a little discoloured but began to improve when I finished the paclitaxel. I did sleep a lot during those first 3 months. I also walked daily to our local park (10 minutes there 10 minutes back), bought a coffee and sat on a bench for half an hour drinking my Mocha and people watching. I loved and needed that gentle excercise and fresh air, it made a huge difference to my feeling of wellbeing. I did develop lymphedema in my arm and fingers as a result of my surgery which is a more long term condition but I’ve been referred to a specialist clinic which has been a great help. In these latter days of treatment my weight was mentioned a lot. I was told recovery would be better if I lost weight. I joined slimming world and have dropped from a starting weight of 18 stones to 15.5 stones in 6 months, mainly by cutting out alcohol and chocolate. This is the time to do it.

  • Thank you so much for replying I appreciate it. I am still off sick at the moment but hoping to work reduced hours from home during chemo. I know everyone is different but from what you have described I think this could be doable even if only a few hours every day or when I feel able.

    Thanks again x