
  • 4 replies
  • 282 subscribers

I can’t seem to find any straight answers about guidelines for starting Tamoxifen.  I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node removal on 1st October and had a follow up appointment on 23rd October confirming the op was successful, all margins clear and lymph nodes clear too.   I’m not due to be seen in Oncology until the 20th November so currently have jot been prescribed Tamoxifen yet (and no dates for radiotherapy yet either) Can anyone advise what the guidelines for starting Tamoxifen after a lumpectomy is? 

  • Hi HappyMum76 welcome to the forum. As far as I am aware If you have Chemotherapy you usually start Tamoxifen at the same time. However, if you have Radiotherapy then you usually dont start Tamoxifen until after the Radiotherapy .  


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  • Oh the differences in treatment - I was told not to take tamoxifen during chemotherapy as they needed any cancer cells to be as active as possible.  I started it two weeks after finishing my chemotherapy course and was on it all through radiotherapy.  Seems to vary from consultant to consultant!  Good luck x

  • I had similar, lumpectomy and sentinel node removal which was clear on 17th September I started lexatrole which is similar   on the 15th October I need radiotherapy but just waiting on an appointment to start . I haven’t got my appointment yet to see my oncologist but I got a call to say they wanted me to start it now. Seems like health boards are all different. 

  • I had a lumpectomy in April, started Tamoxifen in June and had radiotherapy in July. x