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  • 281 subscribers

Hi, I got diagnosed with lobular cancer in December 2021, stage 2 invasive. Cancer was HER negative and The cancer was 2.4cm. I had three lymph nodes removed in my armpit one being the sentinel lymph node. These came back clear with no cancer present. I then had radiotherapy 12 weeks after my operation (lumpectomy) late due to Covid. I have developed a hard lump under my arm on the side my breast cancer was present. The lump hurts when I touch it and then my full arm has a weird sensation down it. I Went for my yearly mammogram which looked normal however they sent me for a biopsy on the armpit lymph node and ultrasound. The ultra sound department said they score the lymph node U3? What does this mean please? I have to wait 3 weeks for the results and I’m going out of my mind with worry incase it is secondary cancer.

thanks x

  • I understand it means ‘uncertain probably benign’. The breast cancer now website has some pages on mammogram and ultrasound results that are helpful. I hope it works out well for you. Waiting for information is so hard. 
    Love from the coffee fiend xx

  • Hi, I've had a number of lumps and bumps since my lumpectomy and a couple of scans since to check them, all of which have thankfully been clear so far.  The worry and waiting is so hard, I get it completely. It seems that these lumps and bumps are something we have to learn to live with. Hope you get your results soon and all is ok, best wishes 

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