Anastrozole/pain in arm/lymphoedema

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Hi all, I haven’t posted on here in a while. I finished my treatment and have been taking Anastrozole since January. I’ve been very lucky and have had very few side effects. I had a partial hysterectomy earlier this year so I didn’t need to take Zoladex.

I have been really worried the past few weeks and can’t get a doctors appointment until 8th Nov. I’ve noticed a pain/ache in the bones of the lower arm on the side I had lymph nodes removed from, sometimes I feel it all the to my thumb, it’s almost like the bone feels really bruised when I touch it and if I try and pick anything up or stretch the arm it feels really tight.

I was worried at first that this was a sign of lymphoedema, but having read the symptoms that seems to more commonly start in the upper arm, so I’ve now convinced myself it’s because the cancer has returned to my bones. Has anyone else experienced a pain/ache like this?? Does it sound like I’m over reacting and it could be a side effect of the Anastrozole? I tried calling the Breast Care Nurses who in the past have been great but they just said I need to see my GP. I’m starting to over think this and it’s getting me quite stressed, any advice/experience would be fab x