Biopsy Results Appointment

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  • 272 subscribers

Hello, I’m new here….  40yo, lump found approx 8 weeks ago, pain had been there for a few months. Attended GP 5 weeks ago and was put into the 2WW system.  I have an appointment with a consultant surgeon on Monday (received a text yesterday).  I had an abnormal FNA 4wks ago and was called back for a CNB and marker placement which I had just over 2 weeks ago.  This appt on Monday is for the results of that and my ultrasounds and mammograms I expect.  I guess, what I’m wondering is, is it normal procedure to be called back for a face to face appt with a consultant; should I be worried about the FNA being abnormal?  Could I still expect to receive good news or should I definitely prepare myself for the worst?  Strangely, I feel if it is the worst, I’ll feel better once I know and have a plan.  This waiting is just awful.  Thank you all.  Xx

  • Morning 

    It is normal to be called in they like to discuss results with you face to face. I know we always assume the worst but try to stay positive. Always here if you need to offload xx

  • Hi 

    I am sorry you are having a tough time.

    I had biopsy results face to face with consultant. It’s standard in our NHS trust to have this. 

    I know what you mean about the waiting- it’s awful and I think that when I got the news it was cancer- it was a relief just to know. 

    I had surgery last month and am waiting (again!) for oncology appt for next steps. 

    wishing you all the best with your appointment x

  • It’s a waiting game to be sure. And it can be quite excruciating, exhausting too, not only for you but anyone else involved. 
    I think it is a personal thing. Ever since I had mammogram recall letter, I have hoped for the best but prepared for the worse. So far that has worked for me, but is mentally hard work. 
    I’ve got my mri Monday. I HOPE it is contained and in one breast, but need to prepared of that not being the case so l  can cope. I have grade 2 lobular. That’s my approach to it. 
    Seems you get the answer to one thing, then that is replaced by another thing to wait on. So you have to learn to live with that anxiety and don’t wish days away. Xx 

  • Hi Seasonwatcher

    sounds like we have similar stories. I have bilateral grade 2 lobular cancer which was not picked up at mammogram but at my MRI. 
    I also hope for the best but plan for the worst. I keep wanting it to be over but I think it’s dawning on me that the waiting may be part of life now- whether it’s results, appointments, check ups, phone calls….

    I will be planning some lovely trips away in the new year as a reward for putting on my brave girl pants and dealing with all of this.

    wishing you all the best with your MRI x