EC and Docetaxl absolutely terrified some positive vibes please !

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  • 267 subscribers

Help! I’ve finished 3 rounds of EC and just about to start 3 rounds of Docetaxl and I’m  absolutely terrified. To the point that I want to stop and not carry on with chemotherapy. I’ve heard so many horror stories about docetaxl I’m seeing the team for bloods etc tomorrow and have chemo on Wednesday. My oncologist has already given a dose reduction so having 75% I don’t think I can do it. I’ve never been an anxious person and have always been fit, and healthy. Keep tells myself to try one round , don’t think I can do it . Please help with advice and some post experiences.

  • Go for it give one a try everyone reacts differently. I did one Some people found Docetaxal easier than EC . Be guided by doctors ThumbsupHeart

  • Thanks did you end up just doing the 1 round of docetaxl? 

  • Hi tcatz, sorry to hear that you feel so anxious about starting docetaxel. I had 3 cycles of EC and 4 of docetaxel. I too felt very anxious about starting the docetaxel, but actually had minimal side effects. At the start of chemo I started using a product called polybalm for my nails, as I was really anxious about nail damage. This worked really well for me and think my nails are actually stronger than before chemo. Always here for a chat if you need it. Xx

  • Oh that’s a really good thing to hear that you had less side effects, I guess everyone is different, I’ve probably read too many negative stories and can’t help my mind keep wandering into all the negatives, I guess all I can do is try one round and see how it goes. My treatment plan has changed along the way, as have tested positive for Palb2 gene and no longer will have radiotherapy after but a double mastectomy.Maybe I will get lucky and not experience the worst of the side effects! Horrible mindset at the moment. Have you finished all your treatment now? Thanks for the advice on the nails I will definitely try some !

  • Hi tcatz,

    I hear you.
    Like you, I had x3 EC, followed by x3 Docetaxal, given with Herceptin during the same cycle. 
    I had quantified the effects of the EC and kept reminding myself that the Docetaxel was going to give me the best chance of killing any potential lurking cancer cells. 
    My experience of Docetaxel was that no.1, didn’t feel any different than EC, with my fatigue kicking in on day 4 and lasting through to day 10.

    Docetaxel no. 2 and no. 3, I experienced the same time frame of fatigue, but my knee and hip joints were increasingly painful and I was getting shooting pains in my legs, due to nerve pain. I discussed this with my BC nurse and she advised me to take regular paracetamol, ibuprofen and also a daily antihistamine. I had codeine phosphate as a back up, but didn’t need to take this, as the above combination kept me mostly comfortable and more importantly functional!

    I got through it by focussing on the positives, which were that after the EC, I was already half way through my chemo and the Docetaxal was me counting my way down to all x6 complete. It is tough on the body and mind, but you shall get through it and your oncology team shall support you. 

    I’m now 6 months post chemo and my body is feeling more like my own. I have just started having massages, which I wish that I’d started during my chemo, as I have found them to reduce my anxiety. 

    I shall be thinking of you on Wednesday and know that it shall take immense bravery to have your Docetaxel. You shall be okay.

    In times of heightened anxiety, I contacted the Macmillan nurses on the phone and found them to be extremely compassionate and knowledgeable, do try this too, as they are amazing.

  • I am due to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction on the 15th of October  which I am a bit anxious about. I walk 2 1/2 miles every day and find this great for the mindset. I hope all goes well on Wednesday. Xx

  • I  did as I had severe allergic reaction. But I am that kind of person with numerous allergies. So don't let that stop you. I had last two back on EC. There are folk on here that have the total oppoHeartite reaction and could not tolerate EC. Bare in mind I had my treatment when we still had COVID restrictions so wasn't easy .My advice would be if reduced already given it a tryHeart

  • Thanks for your support! I’m actually having a massage of Tuesday before treatment I’m sure it will relax me . It’s the pain I’m worried about , but like you said  always something to help with that. I’m pleased to hear you are feeling more like yourself now , enjoy your massages! Thanks again 

    • Oh no! I suppose if I do have a reaction as least I will be in the right place for care. Just going to have to try with then1st dose , like you said already on a dose reduction so hopefully all will be ok.  Can’t imagine going through treatment during Covid , horrible .
  • Thank you, hope your surgery goes well too ,please post and let me know .xx