I start radiotherapy this week, having full left breast as, due to the long wait for treatment, partial breast isn't an option anymore.
Just wondered if anybody has had this and how have they felt during and after?
I appreciate everyone is different but just wondering.
Hope you can help.
Hi, I had some sessions of full breast and some targeted. I found the radiotherapy itself very easy though moisturising is super important. I have had some breast lymphoedema as a longer term side effect, but it's relatively mild and manageable, best wishes
Hello , I had breast radiation in 2022 to both breasts. Whole breast radiation as my breasts are small and radiologist said partial would be like whole in my case. I tolerated it well and made sure I started moisturizing about a week before starting treatment, drank enough water to keep hydrated, got good sleep and ate well. Sounds corny but really worked. Take care and it was not bad at all. Everyone is different. Oh one thing my nipples were sore for about the first week and I did have occasional itching on breasts but hydrocortisone did the trick. Also did daily breast massage about 3 weeks after my radiation treatments stopped. Did for over a year as it helps reduce fibrosis. I have a video if you want to see how it is done. I got the ok from radiologist before I started the massage.
Just done 15 rounds of radio
i have what I’d describe as slightly nasty sunburn - bit itchy. I have a few tired moments - but I’m not even certain that’s the radio
The radio itself is easy (apart from 15 days of getting there and back!)
good luck
Thank you for your advice Barbara. Yes please to the link to the video - hoping to negate any lymphodoema before it starts.
Hi Holly, wow you have a lot to go through. I'm lucky in that i only have 5 days. I've been waiting 6, nearly 7 months. although i was initially told it would be December, so i feel lucky now !
Yes, happy to support. I start this Friday. Although I came down with a terrible cold which has spread to my chest, i'm really scared they're going to cancel it. But i won't know until i turn up.
Here is the link. Really helps. Video is reputable from Florida Proton. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DuRlGXeOcJno&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjik9_j0PyIAxVbTDABHZWUMhIQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0UvHn4qF48PDMk_QfR3gbQ
Take care and good luck. Hugs to you.
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