Tried Chemo - and not carrying on - any alternatives

  • 5 replies
  • 283 subscribers


i had one round of chemo which flattened me following multiple breast surgeries. Looking for alternatives either natural or new technologies/treatments. 

Is there a another forum for alternative therapies / latest treatments?


  • Hi  

    There is no forum within the community for alternative treatments, or specifically for the latest cancer treatments. 

    The community guidelines here Community Guidelines have guidance on what can be discussed in relation to non conventional treatments which are not based on proven research. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I am sorry you have found chemo difficult. Your oncologist is the only person who can advise whether there are any other medically approved treatments suitable for your situation and also whether any non medical therapies could help complement this. 

  • Sorry to hear the first round of chemo flattened you ! It's not very pleasant at all ! I found the first round the worst then every one after that wasn't as bad ! I could still get up and do tasks with some aches and pains ! Try and do one more round and see how you feel ! Good luck with  everything!xx 

  • Hi  , sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience with your first chemo. I can’t offer much regarding chemo as I didn’t have it so have no personal experience. But I think in your position I’d consider speaking to the oncology team regarding possible alternative combinations? I’ve read here of doses being tweaked and also sometimes switches in medications. In addition, I’d also consider contacting the Penny Brohn centre in Bristol - they do online doctor consultations as well as in person. My understanding is that they offer guidance re complimentary therapies ie in addition to rather than instead of conventional treatments, and help with managing side effects. But could be worth getting information from them. If you Google Penny Brohn it should come up. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi  I’m so sorry you have had such a bad experience with your first round of chemo. I also really had a bad time through my treatment and had to be admitted to hospital multiple times. But my oncologist was fantastic and they adjusted my doses and anti sickness meds and I managed to get through it. The end result was worth it as my scans don’t show any signs of cancer. I’ve had two ops since and just finshed 4 weeks of radiotherapy. None of the following treatments have been that bad only the chemo. How many rounds did you have scheduled? Can they adjust your treatment at all to alleviate the side effects?

    it’s so tough darling please don’t beat yourself up about it, I’ve never cried so much in my life. But please keep talking to your doctors and nurses they can help honestly. 

    sending you lots of love. xx