Just about to start chemo

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I'm just about to start adjuvant chemo next week on a 12 x weekly Paclitaxol followed by 4 x 2 weekly EC for breast cancer.  I know everyone is different but I am wondering what to expect.  there is a lot of information on the drugs the other way round EC followed by PAX but nothing on my regimes. 
Has anyone else done Paclitaxol followed by EC?

  • thank you and hope yours goes well too x

  • Yes I know what you mean. 
    There isn’t many positive stories with EC that I’ve read so I’ve just got hopeful thinking! 

    I guess I will go through whatever to get rid of this pesky thing. 

    Tolerable is defo the right word. I’m not saying it has been easy but there seems to be something to support for the side effects. Before you start each infusion, you are given pre meds so anti sickness, antihistamine and sometimes steroids - depending on your plan. I had steroids every 3 weeks - IV. 

    Don’t be alarmed if your bloods aren’t okay. There has only been a couple of weeks where mine have been okay and again, there is usually something to support (medication) to resolve these. Most things don’t halt treatment but some do. 
    I had the reaction to pembro on the first IV and this affected my liver (bloods) but I had steroids amongst other things to help. My treatment got halted but picked up again. 

    But anything, you call and they will help. There is a dedicated number that chemo patients call. 

    I start EC next week. 
    4 cycles. 
    Infusions every 3 weeks. 

    Where abouts do you live? 
    I am north west England. 

    Good luck and keep the post updated Slight smile

    Get the first one under your belt and you will be fine xx

  • There aren't are there? I have noticed though that it can be dependent on what you have had, how many, and how frequently. Most of what I read and a person I know talk about EC then a taxol and the EC has been as long as my initial Taxol regime, so 3 EC must be slightly better than 8 of them.

    The medics keep saying everyone is different so it is so nice to hear the other side too as I was beginning to think tolerating this well just means being slightly less ill! Now I feel there is more of a spectrum.

    I am also North West and going to the peninsula - sorry for being cryptic but they don't like specific hospitals being named.

    thank you for all your positive thoughts and messages. It so helps.
    I hope the EC is better than expected and that there are also a host of meds to support you. Let me know how you get on. xx

  • Yes - if I remember! My memory since being on chemo has disappeared.. Joy it’s shocking! 

    Who doesn’t like specific hospitals being mentioned? I’m sure I have oops! And others on here. 

    How are you feeling now it’s the beginning of the week starting?

    Are you having a PICC line fitted? They seem to be a thing in the north west to be done, spec when we have to go every week for infusions and have bloods weekly. 

    There is a massive spectrum. I can’t believe how  different everyone can be off these treatments but we got to do, what we got to do! And you will be fine… a lot of it is anxiety about the unknown and I get it because I’ve got really bad anxiety. 

    Everyone has been so supportive though. Healthcare professionals, family, friends, my daughter's school - the list goes on so don’t be afraid to ask for help!!xx