perineural invasion

  • 2 replies
  • 279 subscribers

I was diagnosed near the end of July with breast cancer.  I've since had surgery to remove the tumour and a sentinel node biopsy.  When I was getting those results, they mentioned something that they said could indicate something more invasive, but I didnt really hear it and take it on because they had mentioned finding cancer cells in the first lymph node. This means I need to have chemotherapy, starting this thursday, which I didnt think I would need.  Today I was reading the letter from the consultant about that appointment, and I didnt understand what perinueral invasion meant.  My google search has left me very deflated, and I'm hoping that somebody can share some positive insights.  I've been trying to stay positive throughout this whole thing, but each time I go for an appointment there seems to be something else added, and its starting to get more difficult to remain positive

  • Hi  

    When I was recalled after a routine mammogram they thought I might have DCIS but then a lump was found as well.

    Then after my lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy a micro deposit of cancer cells were found in one node so now I needed chemo as well as radiotherapy. So I do understand how each time it can feel like you're getting more bad news.

    I'm now out the other side and life is good again. I found chemo not to be nearly as bad as I was expecting and hope you will do too.

    I have no experience of perinueral invasion but I'm sure your BCNS will be able to explain it and how it might affect you if you give her a call.

    All the best for tomorrow 

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  • I too had a diagnosis of perineural invasion. I had a slow growing tumour with no evidence of spread otherwise. Like you, I too can't find out too much about perineural invasion but what I have read frightens the living daylights out of me. I just have to hope the dreadful rads killed it all or the horrid letrozole keeps it at bay!