Going flat (UK)

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  • 280 subscribers

I had a single mastectomy in 2021 after IBC diagnosis. Since before the surgery, I've been asking for the other to be removed but my surgeon has always said No unless there's a genetic risk factor. There isn't. I finally got to see a reconstructive plastic surgeon yesterday, and the surgery and recovery sounds awful - worse than the mastectomy - with no guarantee of good results. I find bras horribly uncomfortable anyway, and I can't imagine they would be any better after surgery.

If anyone here in the UK has gone flat, how did you get the surgeon to agree?

Has anyone got any happy stories of reconstruction?

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi I went flat in 2020. Complicated because my scheduled single mastectomy, other side reduction got cancelled because of COVID and my ' urgent mastectomy got put on hold indefinitely '.  To get the operation at all I had to write to my MP, chief executive in the hospital and to Pals. Originally like you I was refused a double mastectomy but in my letters I asked for double on the grounds that to leave one, cup size h/j boob would lead to back pain etc etc. I think the MP's input was critical and I was almost immediately offered an operation with sentinel lymph nodes removal  on the proviso that I accepted a flat out come both sides. It was very straightforward. The scar goes from one arm pit to the other but I didn't need drains. I wasn't inanycase being offered a reconstruction because of my BMI. I would have taken a reconstruction but I am in my 70s so not a big deal. I just did not want to be left with one swinger!

    I get on fine being flat, I hardly ever wear my prothsis. I sometimes wear a silk scarf and when swimming or doing acqua aerobics I wear knitted knickers. Knitted knickers are great, very light.

    To get your double mastectomy you will have to be very pushy and insistent. 

    Good luck. Xx