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Hello, I have been on Letrozole for 2 years and have been kind of ok with it but suddenly starting getting symptoms such as hot flashes, aches and pains and serious cellulite flabby belly fat! Can’t see why it’s suddenly started after all this time - anyone experienced anything similar? Thanks in advance Sam 

  • So if I’m honest I expected people to say that maybe they didn’t do much exercise. This is all much more exercise than most people do. So the explanation lies elsewhere I guess?? I’m seeing a cancer exercise specialist in a couple of weeks and I will defo be quizzing them and will revert??

    have our diets changed at all?? If anything mines got healthier I reckon. Hardly any alcohol and much less sugar??

    I suppose what we can never know is if this crappy stuff would’ve happened anyway are we just hyper sensitive to it?!

  • I drink a bit of wine but not excessive and could probably cut down on sugar but again that’s not excessive! It’s actually just my middle that’s flabby, def hormonal belly! Be lovely to hear some moPray info as you find out more! Pray

  • Same here the weight is all

    around my middle and my skin has lost its tone so cellulite is there too - I never had as much before, I can’t wear shorts really as I think it’s awful Disappointed BC my legs were much smoother and with more muscle tone…be interesting to see what they say xx

  • Well I say it sucks, gotta be a menopausal/ lack of estrogen thing. Anyone take evening primrose oil?? I’m not convinced by the whole herbal thing but I do think evening PO was quite helpful with previous hormonal swings I’ve had…….

  • Anyone running?? I keep reading that the best exercise is standing type exercise and I wonder if running is the most effective??

  • The conflict is that the damage is caused by oestrogens and evening primrose whilst not containing  oestrogen is mitigating our excess loss through the aromatase inhibitors. So maybe not loosing as much as we should. Also if you are on blood thinners for example clopidogral then you possibly shouldn't take it.

    It is all very confusing. Like a lot of people on here massive fat gain around my belly has been a feature since having letrozole and now exemestane. Yet my understanding that excessive fat produces oestrogens. Oh and if you ask for the anti obesity drugs you are told they aren't available because of shortages.

    Can't seem to win.

    BTW I initially walked did online aerobics but increasing arthritis especially in my feet have made this this painful. I now do aquafit 45mins, 4-5 times a week. But I still have huge flabby belly.

    Yes fed up, especially from lack of mobility! Research is needed x

  • No I don’t run as it is hard on the joints.  Ran in my younger days but now I am a cyclist.  Usually go out and do 20-25 miles about 4-5 times a week.  The lack of estrogen is very difficult and I take anastrazole not letrozole.  I am slender so no weight worries but also am a vegan.  Lost about 10 pounds when I changed my diet to vegan in 2015 weeks and was about 126 and felt fine but when I was diagnosed with BC the stress made me drop another 10 pounds and that is my weight now.  We all have different shapes and sizes and as women we should be celebrated but with all the media seems we are all too big, too small etc. I really try to work on my health daily and if I do my best that is all I can do.  


  • You are seriously not kidding

    im going to check with my bcn about the evening primrose oil. I think she said it was ok but honestly I have the slightly feeling they don’t always know more than us! 
    so I have plantar fasciitis - sore feet - awful first thing or after sitting for a long time. Had it pre letrozole. I have discovered that it does get better if I can “run through it” for a few minutes

    absolutely no idea if that’s relevant but a lot of warming up and very good supportive trainers is a must I think for any jogging!! I’m convinced it’s an amazing elixir though for lots of things…… don’t know about this though tbf  

  • I couldn’t agree more ….. always judged whatever our size. Drives me nuts. I’m a slow regular runner and hoping to keep it up for as long as these blasted tablets will


  • I had plantar fasciitis pre BC . I was a jogger . Switched to Altra trainers ( wide toe box and zero drop ). I walk any distance in these too . PF gone . If I ever walk a distance in other trainers CryI get the stabbing back in my heel Cry