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  • 272 subscribers

Hello, I have been on Letrozole for 2 years and have been kind of ok with it but suddenly starting getting symptoms such as hot flashes, aches and pains and serious cellulite flabby belly fat! Can’t see why it’s suddenly started after all this time - anyone experienced anything similar? Thanks in advance Sam 

  • Yep I know exactly what you mean. For what’s it’s worth I ended up having a sports massage for it which really helped.

    wonder if we should set up a new thread for exercise tips in letrozole life!!??

  • That’s a great idea! Also tips to reduce bloating honestly my tummy is so swollen! 

  • Love massage and then I get chiropractor adjustment after that and it helps.  I am 75 and active and hopefully can continue to be until I just live old and die.  Pray for no chronic conditions.  Just read that sitting is the new smoking so we all need to get up and move.  Even read that if you exercise it doesn’t make up for all the sitting.  Just a little tip from my AARP magazine.  
