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Hello, I have been on Letrozole for 2 years and have been kind of ok with it but suddenly starting getting symptoms such as hot flashes, aches and pains and serious cellulite flabby belly fat! Can’t see why it’s suddenly started after all this time - anyone experienced anything similar? Thanks in advance Sam 

  • I get it completely my tummy is so flabby it looks like I’m pregnant. I’ve always had good legs but no they are riddled with cellulite and look horrid. It’s really affecting myself confidence and self-esteem. I ache all the time my body feels heavy if that makes sense, I really hate it, but I’m terrified to stop in case my cancer comes back a rock and a hard place isn’t it?  If anyone has a magic cure please do let me know too!

  • I am on exemestane but I so echo what you write.


  • Said it before but I with someone should do a study of those that get side effects and those that don’t and what they are are not taking/ doing/not doing

    I’m in the fitness industry so I’m particularly interested in the effect exercise has (or doesn’t) on side effects.

    may I ask what kind / how much exercise you ladies are doing and do you think it’s made a difference. Has your oncologist actively encouraged you to exercise??

  • Sorry I “wish” not “with”

  • I walk on average 15,000 steps a day and swim three times a week - if I don’t I stiffen up and ache. I sauna and steam, cold showers and that helps but nothing seems permanent, my skin tone has goneStuck out tongue closed eyesnd I have cellulite I have a hideous apron of skin on my tummy. I’m not eating any different than before cancer and if I diet there’s no change in my weight, I think I’m going to have to try more - Stuck out tongue closed eyesights and more cardio, follow an anti-inflammatory diet but I’m overwhelmed with it so just moan about it and want to be like I was before - with energy and flexibility, look younger than my years Stuck out tongue closed eyes inside of permanent  n knackered 

  • Gosh that’s lots!! Go you!! It’s such a mystery isn’t it. Sounds like you are doing lots of cardio. I wonder if we should try Pilates?? Might be good for not running the battery down too?? 

    question anyone had vaginal bleeding. I’ve had a few very tiny bits or brown / red when I wipe. But today full red on wipe. Sorry TMI!!!!!

    is this normal??  Had mirena coil removed 19/8/24 and started letrozole 1/8/24

    thanks all 

  • I did bleed initially but nothing in a while, a lot of dryness though….oh my TMI!!! 

    I think yoga or pilates will help with the stiffness for sure but think I need to look at diet too, I miss oestrogen so much!! I’m more thirsty too and skin dry, I try to look at it as it’s showing the meds working and it’s destroying the nasty cancer feeding stuff…it’s rubbish though!

  • Really good point about the thirst and dryness. I agree. I wonder if that affects skin tone too maybe?? I’m early 50s , may I ask how old you are roughly!!!!!

  • Hello, I spin twice a weeks, body pump twice a week, walk my dog, yoga once or twice a week - nothing seems to help! God knows what I would look like if I just sat on my backside! It’s depressing Cry  Exercise is great for my mood but not my belly sadly! I’m 57 so would be interested in your thoughts on exercise 

  • Totally agree with everything you said - have we not been through enough already! Do we just have to live with it? CryFace palm tone1‍♀️