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Hi. This is my first time posting.  I am just at the end of 4 weeks of radio therapy. I have been prescribed tamoxifen and am planning to start on a very low dose once I am recovered from RT. 
my surgeon told me the increased risk of endometrial cancer was about 1% on tamoxifen.  I did take Letrazole for 1 week and the side effects so terrible I stopped. From my PREDCT score it reduced my cancer returning risk by 2%.  I decided the side effects of osteoporosis and raised cholesterol along with the daily grind of feeling unwell wasnt  worth it for me.  We are all different and need to make our own informed choices and this choice is right for me at the moment.  
From what I have read the side effects of Tamoxifen are more bearable but I will keep you posted on here how I get on.


  • Hi Payan. I hope you are doing ok. It is tough on our bodies & our minds navigating the cancer treatment journey, and building a positive support base is very important to keeping ourselves going. I hope that you get on well with Tamoxifen and your body copes well with it. I have been using Tamoxifen for several months now. It affects people differently and we all do what we feel is right for us and we just go with it. I wish you every success as you do what you need to do for your health. 

  • Hi and thank you for your reply.  Could you tell me what dose you take and what side effects you have had with tamoxifen.  Good luck with your journey and wishing you well.


  • Hello,

    Thank you for sharing your experience. Tamoxifen, like any medication, does come with its risks, but many people find the side effects more manageable compared to other treatments. Starting with a low dose is a sensible approach, and it gives your body time to adjust. It's great that you're planning to monitor how you respond and that you're open to sharing your progress. This could be really helpful for others in a similar situation.

    Everyone's journey is unique, and it's crucial to find a balance that works best for you. If you find that the side effects are manageable, that’s fantastic, but if not, don’t hesitate to discuss alternative options with your doctor.

    In addition, choose only trusted pharmacies where you can find Tamoxifen of excellent quality and at an affordable price: buy high-quality Tamoxifen

    Take care, and I look forward to hearing how things go for you. Stay strong!