BC after mastectomy

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My mum had breast cancer when she was 52. Invasive lobular. She had a lumpectomy, radiotherapy and tamoxifen. She got it again in the same breast when she was 62 and had a mastectomy and chemotherapy. She's now 79 and had to go to hospital last week for what the dermatologist told us was a slow growing basal cell carcinoma on her mastectomy scar. Yesterday the hospital rang to say she has breast cancer again. We are shocked and confused as my mum was constantly reassured by the dermatology ward that this was not a return of her BC as she has feared. Now we find out it is. She had waited SIX MONTHS to have the lesion removed and clearly this has given the cancer time to spread!  Please can anyone tell me if they have had experience of this before. My poor mum it's awful xx