I'm back again! Lung nodule, enlarged nodes. Anyone had a secondary so soon after breast cancer?

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  • 265 subscribers

Hi everyone

Not been on here much Lately. Had a left side mastectomy last September left breast, inner quadrant multi focal tumours, no node involvement and grade 2 tumour. Put on Letrozole.  Fast forward, have had an aching tummy with pain under the right rib.  Was sent for ultrasound Monday, Doctor rang yesterday as shadows and a cyst, need CT.  Had CT today (how quick is that)! The doctor rang this afternoon, liver is fine, but they have found a ting nodule on the lung and enlarged nodes under left armpit. So back to breast clinic and also lung cancer clinic.  Obviously at this stage I don't know if it is a secondary in the lung or a new lung cancer, so back to the waiting game.  The bit of good news, the doctor said the nodule is tiny, and if I never had a stomach problem we wouldn't have known so could be a blessing to catch it early. So back to the waiting game and the cancer club for a third time!  Has anyone had a secondary so quickly from BC that never had any node involvement?

  • Hi Casmo

    Sorry to hear that you might have secondary breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment and I hope everything will be ok for you.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi I had 2 lumpectomies for IDC last September . I have had chemo, radiotherapy, Herceptin ( the latter finishes in March 25) and bisphosphonates 2 more years of that. Had a Ct scan recently and there’s an area on my spine with changes  which indicate cancer. Waiting for the MDT to find out if it’s something of nothing or needs more tests. Like you I can’t believe this has happened so soon. Trying not to get ahead of myself but it is pretty scary. Hope all goes well for you 

  • Yes - I had what was thought to be early stage TNBC diagnosed Feb 22, no node involvement. I was half way through adjuvant chemo is Aug 22 when I developed diverticulitis. I had a CT scan because of that and they found a tumour in my liver. It was a breast cancer secondary. Assumed to have travelled via blood (I had vascular invasion at the original tumour site). Like you I feel the circumstances that led to early diagnosis were a blessing. With further treatment I achieved remission and I hope you can too.

  • Wishing you all the very best. When I asked about having a CT scan the oncologist said that if you scan anyone you will always see cysts etc in random places and most often they are harmless but it’s massively stressful when it happens…… I don’t know if that’s helpful or not but really just to say I’m thinking of you. Let us know how you go

  • Thank you Robert31 for your kind response. Sadly I am no stranger to this disease, last year I had  reoccurrence after 31 years, same breast. My Mother had BC twice, 15 years apart, then got uterine cancer, she was 94 when she died and had been cancer free for 18 years. My Father not so lucky, diagnosed with Lung cancer and died within 3 months, complete non smoker. Grandmother, pancreatic the list goes on! I am up for the fight, but I have to remind myself that facts not thoughts, I haven't been diagnosed yet! However I learned yesterday that my CT scan last year showed a tiny nodule on the lung. Very common apparently, especially in smokers, could have multiple nodules. This Ct scan showed the nodule has doubled in size and 3 enlarged axillary nodes. I am so lucky to have a good cancer/NHS service where I am. Ultrasound Monday, results from doctor Wednesday CT scan Thursday am, results pm, blood tests on Friday and appointment with breast team next Thursday and Lung team straight after!  I cannot complain. Anyway rambling now, it's good to 'talk' lol!

  • Hi c22, exactly that. My ultrasound  found a cyst on the liver and shadows which the CT showed up as cysts, very common. Apparently nodules on Lungs are also very common, the nodule in my lung was there last year on the CT, although I only found out this week. This scan has shown the nodule has doubled in size, and the Doctor words not mine, "It's a bit spikey" also 3 enlarged axillary lymph nodes. But, as I said in another post, facts not thoughts! I am back at the hospital next Thursday, I will keep you posted

  • Hi Coddfish,

    Thank you for your reply, gosh you have been through it, what a horrible journey, so glad you are in remission!  I recall a number of years ago when I had a problem with the remainer of my boob that had shrivelled up into a hard lump and leaking nipple. It turned out to be radiotherapy changes. I was under the Marsden then, the consultant did every test, biopsy possible, she leaned over me and said, 'cancer is very devious, it hides'. That has always stuck in my mind, especially last year when I had the reoccurrence in the same breast after 31 years!

  • Hi OliviaGA

    How horrible for you, to go through all that treatment, what a shock! Facts not thoughts, but it's not easy is it?  Now the waiting for tests, then the results. I really wish you the best outcome, let us know how you get on. I am back at the hospital next week, to see what the next move is, I will let you know how it goes.

  • Thank you Daisy53, you are always here to offer your support to many of usSlight smile

  • Thanks so much for your kind message. Keeping myself busy so as not to think too much. I am a calm person and have managed well so far but I have to say if this is cancer in my spine I think the emotional fall out will be tough for a few days. Telling my family would be the worst thing. Anyway at the moment who knows what it is I’m carrying on as if it’s ok until I know otherwise. I will be thinking of you on Thursday and hope everything goes as well as possible for you.