Results next week but told it’s cancer

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I never imagined I’d be posting in this forum as I’ve fundraiser for Macmillan due to my parents both having cancer (dad sadly passed away in April ) 

Ive been so busy looking after dad I stupidly missed my screening mammogram in October and then have been struggling to come to terms with dad’s death . To top it all I’ve had done cardiac issues and was diagnosed with left ventricular hypertropy and an ascending aortic aneurysm in May 
At the beginning if July I noticed my left breast was tender and out it down to changing my hrt , but a couple of days later the tenderness got worse and when I looked in the mirror I could see my breast was bigger and firmer looking . I saw the gp same day who said she thought she could feel a lump too and said she thought it as breast cancer . 

I had my referral appointment 16 days later on 23rd July and had two mammograms , one a close up of my nipple area then through to the consultant radiographer for ultrasound . 
She said she couldn’t see a lump but I had two areas of calcifications which were highly suspicious and that my axillary node was swollen . I had three biopsies and in to see the breast surgeon . The room was full including the breast nurse so I knew it wasn’t good news . She said straight away it was cancer and I was a wreck , crying like a baby.

I spent an hour with the breast nurse who was lovely and reassuring and went home to wait my results . 
my appointment came through for 12th August which is 3 weeks from biopsy date so the waiting has been torture . My youngest daughter is only 14 and I’m dreading telling her.

I go from feeling optimistic to feeling there is no hope . 
Im terrified at the thought of chemo etc due to my heart.

The not knowing how bad it is or what treatment I’ll get .. is the worst at the moment but the consultant indicated I’m probably looking at mastectomy. 

I had so many plans for the next few months and had booked to take my daughter to a concert so mum guilt us already kicking in . I’m worried how she’ll cope going into year 10 .. so much going round in my head . 
I always thought I might get cancer with two parents with it .. but bizarrely I never worried about breast cancer , never checked my breasts properly and my mind is in overdrive wondering if it’s spread and it’s two late for me .

Every twinge is freaking me out , I’ve got sore ribs and I’ve convinced myself it’s spread to my bones .. it’s all feeling like a nightmare right now 

  • Bad boob I’m really sorry to hear all this. It’s such a lot to take in. In think though once the process starts then mentally at least it almost becomes less of a burden. No point lying though …… it’s a blooming tough path. But it’s treatable and with all The lovely people here to support you, you’ll get through this. Sending you lots of love 

  • Hi Bad_Boob

    Sorry to hear that your cancer has been upgraded and that your second biopsy came back as DCIS.  While the thoughts of chemo is scary though it's not easy it is doable and your medical team will no doubt keep a close eye on you due to your heart problem.  

    Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery and chemo.

    Best wishes


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  • Oh I’m sorry you are still going through the tests , it’s frustrating when you want to just get treatment going - I’m still undecided on the reconstruction tbh . I have an appointment with the surgeon on 10th September to discuss but I’m not keen on the idea of an implant I must admit … it’s a hard decision to make but I suppose you have to think about how you’ll feel waking up with one breast gone and base your decision on that x