Phesgo - what to expect

  • 14 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi all,

I have been and will continue to receive all treatment in Japan.

I was diagnosed with HER2 breast cancer back in December, I have finished my course of Chemo and I had a mastectomy in June.

I am due to start 'after care' on Friday. 

My doctor has explained this a new drug called phesgo, I have read the information apparently it is injected (unlike a drip bag) and the first course takes about 8 minutes.

I am really not good with needles (never have been!) the doctor said some people prefer IV but this would take hours as apposed to 5 - 8 minutes. So I said I will gibe it a try! 

Is phesgo being administered in the UK and if so does anyone have any experience with it?