Phesgo - what to expect

  • 14 replies
  • 282 subscribers

Hi all,

I have been and will continue to receive all treatment in Japan.

I was diagnosed with HER2 breast cancer back in December, I have finished my course of Chemo and I had a mastectomy in June.

I am due to start 'after care' on Friday. 

My doctor has explained this a new drug called phesgo, I have read the information apparently it is injected (unlike a drip bag) and the first course takes about 8 minutes.

I am really not good with needles (never have been!) the doctor said some people prefer IV but this would take hours as apposed to 5 - 8 minutes. So I said I will gibe it a try! 

Is phesgo being administered in the UK and if so does anyone have any experience with it?

  • Hi

    I am due to have my 3rd of chem on Thursday and my 3rd phesgo injection. The first one was a loading dose in my thigh a little stingy to begin with but no bad reaction . The second one was to be administered slowly for about 5 min unfortunately I think the needle moved and blood started to go in the needle so had to stop left a bruise but all ok. I will continue to get them with my chemo and then every 3 weeks for a year. I am from Scotland phesgo is administered as part of the HER2 treatment. 

  • Hi,
    I hope your Chemo is going well.
    Thank you for the post, that's really helpful. Wasn't sure what to expect but I feel slightly better prepared now.

  • Hi Pichan,

    I too was diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer in November and had 6 cycles of chemotherapy. This was every 3 weeks and included an injection of Phesgo each time. I am now having just the Phesgo every 3 weeks and will continue with this for as long as it keeps working. (For the moment the drugs have done their job and there is no active cancer remaining :)

    I have the Phesgo as an injection in the thigh which is administered over 5 minutes. It does sting a TINY bit but it is honestly nothing to worry about. I've never had any bruising and you can barely see the injection site. I see this time as a chance to have a chat with the nurse and ask any questions I may have about things. I am in and out of the hospital within the hour which includes any obs. they do. 

    Everyone I talk to say it is an incredible drug and has changed the outlook for so many people.

    I do get a bit tired afterwards but this is probably still from the effects of the main chemo. apart from that I don't have any side effects.

    Good luck with everything x

  • Hiya

    I have HER2+ breast cancer and am now post Lumpectomy and am waiting the results as to what they found, so I am hoping that I keep my nipple as the tumour was very close.

    I have had 8 rounds of chemo, the first 4 of these were Docetaxel followed by EC.

    I had Phesgo with the Docetaxel then stopped for the EC (Phesgo cannot be given with EC I was told) then have had 2 lots of Phesgo since each 3 weeks apart making a total of 6 so far.

    My oncologist said I would have 14 rounds of Phesgo in total.

    I am waiting to start again, now that I have had surgery though whether this will be after Radiotherapy or with it, I am not sure.

    My first Phesgo session was longer than the later sessions as they gave me the injection into my thigh then made me wait for about 45 mins to see if I had any reaction. The next sessions then were a lot quicker about 8 mins for the injection then goodbye and see you next time.

    It was really efficient and the different nurses I had each time were lovely. One of my first nurses who did the injection said that I should have it in alternate thighs as this would help with making sure that I did not get any firm areas under the skin. So far, my thighs look and feel just like they always have.

    When I was being injected I did not look although I do not have a worry with injections as I used to donate blood so suppose I have got used to it. There was a sting but really try not to worry as it is doable. I had a red area afterwards at the injection point but this soon went.

    I walk each day no matter how tired I am as I thought this would help the good stuff being put in my body to move around my system. Mentally this has helped.

    I know that Phesgo has not always been available in the past so am grateful that I can have it.

    I know that this will help my type of cancer so I just accept it.

    Good luck with it all. You can do it ! x

  • Thank you so much!
    Glad to hear it's working so well.
    I'm feeling less worried about it already. 
    I think I'll be having it once every three weeks 13 times. 

  • Thank you for telling me about your experience.

    From what I've read I'll be receiving it to catch any hidden cancer that may be left in my body and the doctor referred to it as 'after care'

    It was decided by the pathological results of my mastectomy.

    I also never look when being injected, I have past out a few times in the past or had a dizzy spell's from blood being taken. 

    You mentioned that you're hoping you can keep your nipple, is there a possibility of a second surgery based on the pathological findings?

    All the best with it.

  • Hi Pichan

    Regarding the nipple, I will have to wait until next Monday (12th) to find out the results. Hopefully I will hear some good news!

    Take care x

  • Hi nanny, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I wanted to ask. Did you experience any side-effects such as low white blood cells, taste disturbance? I am worried about this as i ended up in intensive care after my first chemo session. 

    thankyou xxx

  • Hi Clarity,

    During chemo I did have lots of changes in taste (sometimes foods had no taste at all other times food tasted metallic or just horrible) but luckily II never suffered from a low white blood cell count.

    Having just Phesgo now taste isn't a problem at all and I am able to identify lots of subtle flavours in foods. 

    I am also finding that my energy levels are almost back to what they were pre chemo and am managing long walks of around 20,000 steps - this is with still having Phesgo every 3 weeks,

    I hope your experience will be the same x