Newly diagnosed grade 1 breast cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 285 subscribers

I have been told I have Grade 1 breast cancer and MRI picked up it's 5cm with some bits round edge.  They have said it's treatable but I will need a mastectomy and gave me a few options with regards to reconstruction.  They mentioned I could need radiotherapy after but this might affect the implant.  They cannot see any lymph node involvement but won't know for certain until surgery my head is a mess has anyone else been through the surgery who can offer me some feedback.  They say it's going to be 8 weeks to op but this seems to be too long to me I just want the cancer out

  • Hi Moonpig011

    I had a lumpectomy nearly four months ago and lymph nodes removed at the same time. I finished my five days radiotherapy two weeks ago and have since been told I am clear. It is a shock when you are told and it is important you take a bit of time to let it register and sink in. Mine was stage 1 to 2 and I have to say, I am surprised and also sorry to learn that you are having a mastectomy. However, I’m sure your Doctors know what is right for you and I can assure you the advances in cancer care now are amazing.

    What I can also tell you, is that I waited three and a half weeks for my diagnosis results and then, another four weeks before the operation so this length of time is not unusual. It’s best to occupy yourself and use the time to do some preparation. For example, make a list of things to take to the hospital, don’t go mad it’s normally day surgery, but things like antiseptic wipes, flannel, usual toiletries, clean pjs if you need them, puzzle book or something whilst you’re waiting to go down to theatre and other bits and bobs. You may want to do a batch cook, I did a large chicken casserole, let it cool and batched it off, hey presto four ready meals. AlsoI gave my flat a clean over, trust me, the last things you want to be doing after coming out of hospital are cooking and cleaning.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, also do visit your nearest Macmillan centre, a list is on here, or ring them on 0808 808 0000, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks, help with benefits, energy bills and lots more. Please also get a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues, I’ve lived on my own for nigh on forty years, but realised you can’t do this on your own. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting) and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system. It is important during the day to keep yourself occupied, hobbies, interests etc., it stops you from dwelling on what is going on. You may also find it beneficial to listen to a meditation podcast, they really help you to relax especially when you are trying to get to sleep. I use one called ‘Go Gently’ by Christine Elizabeth Smith, it does a lot for me. Whatever you do, do not visit Dr Google as there is so much conflicting information, your head will spin and it will stress you out, listen to your medical team and you get great support on here.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as you possibly can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity, thinking about it in a bad light  will only do your nut in, above all, be kind to yourself - I promise you, you will get through this. You are never alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here.

    Take care and big

  • Hi Moonpig0114

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and that you are going to have to wait so long for your operation. I suggest you talk to your breast care nurse about how worried you are about the length of time you are having to wait for your operation and I’m sure they’ll be able to reassure you.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operation and with whatever comes after that.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Wave  this is so so so helpful thank you for replying.  I am a very positive person usually but this just knocked me for six.  I am continuing my martial arts kickboxing until the op and also I have majBlush fantastic work colleagues as I work for consultants in NHS and friend round me .  Its really useful to know what to pack to take to hospital so thanks so much for letting me know this as I was paniBlushing about this a bit as I have only ever gone to hospital previously to have my children .  Thank you for your message back it's super helpful Blush 

  • Hi, I am so sorry that you have found yourself in this position. Your situation seems quite similar to mine. I had a mastectomy and implant reconstruction about 7 weeks ago. My lymph nodes were all clear and they said that because of the size and the fact that I had a mastectomy there was only the smallest chance of it returning if that. They told me that radiotherapy would only reduce it from 5% to 2/3% so it would not be necessary. People told me to think of the wait interms of if they thought it was urgent they would have got you in much quicker. I really hope that yours goes just as well and wish you all the best. Take care of yourself and I wish you a speedy recovery after the surgery.

  • Hi Wave  thank you for your reply this is really helpful.  I think it's just been a massive shock in terms of I thought it would just be something and nothing.  I am going forward step by step so not to become so overwhelmed.  Its really reassuring to hear that yours is similar and now you are clear.  Thank you for replying it's really helped xx

  • Hi- last week I also discovered i would need a mastectomy followed by radiotherapy. What i just thought was an ‘age related lump’ turned out to be DCIS (precancerous cells) but high grade and throughout breast. A huge shock & am still trying to process the news, the options and implications. Was told surgery will be in 5-8wks. Am considering an implant and like you, my main concern is the effect of radiotherapy on the implant. The radiotherapy apparently can make the skin tighten around it which can lead to deformities in breast shape etc. The consultant said the outcome is a bit of a lottery. I am of slender build with a thin skin layer (compared i suppose to a plumper person) according to my consultant- so other options like a diep not possible. Am really keen to hear of anyone that’s been through similar treatment, their outcomes and whether they were happy or experienced problems? Hopefully Moonpig0114 we will get some feedback to our concerns here. If i find out anything elsewhere i will let you know! 

    Take care xxx

  • Hi Wave I have done a lot of research on this and going for implant as if there is a negative impact on the reconstruction with radiotherapy they will look at replacing this.  I am due to have surgery on the 13th of September and will keep you updated on this to let you know how it's gone 

  • Hi

    I'm in the same place as you regarding reconstruction questions and worries. I've been pencilled in for surgery on 20th Sept and the surgeon gave me the option of mastectomy with or without construction, or mammoplasty. 

    I'm frantically researching the options and it's not easy as each one has pros and cons. The facts about radiotherapy changing the implant is a big worry for me, also. It's difficult, considering we don't know the treatment plan yet. I'm seriously considering a delayed reconstruction but living a life with no boob for a while may seriously affect my mental health, so this aspect also has to be taken into account. 

    It's really difficult, on top of the cancer worries too Disappointed

    Big hugs


  • Hi Moonpig0114, I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of grade 1 breast cancer. The waiting game is always a bit stressful, but you have to put your faith in the medical team. I finished chemo in early July and am due to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction in early October. I too was worried that  the time from chemo finishing and having surgery seemed a long time. I was worried cancer would start growing again in this time. My team was able to reassure me and I'm going on holiday for a couple of weeks to chill out for a while. I'm sure if you give your breast care nurse a ring, you'll get the reassurance you need. I wish you well moving forward. Xx

  • Hi Moonpig0114- hoping your surgery went ok in September and you’ve not had any complications since. How are you getting on? The whole thing must be totally shocking.I am still trying to imagine how it will be (my surgery date is 12/11). Will you still have to have radiotherapy next and if so, will it be an accelerated course- or over a longer period? Any tips or any info (anything!) from your experience (good or bad!)? Sending healing vibes… x