Dehisced Mastectomy Wound

  • 2 replies
  • 266 subscribers

So I had a mastectomy on 7th May

Three weeks later my wound burst due to infection and seroma and lack of woundcare 

Has anyone else had this happen.  I'm wearing a wound vac 24/7 and nurses coming twice a week but it's still 6 cm diameter and chest wall visible. Anybody else experienced this?

  • I am sorry that you are having a rough time. Like you I had a wound open in two places due to infection (despite telling the care team who were adamant that as I had no fever - I had a low temperature!! it couldn’t possibly be an infection!!) Once it opened up and the green goo arrived it felt better but the antibiotics were strong and made me feel nauseous. I had daily nurse visits for a month packing the holes in the scar.

    I found a good plastic surgeon who removed the large implant and replaced it with a smaller one and lipofilling because the pain was unbearable and the original surgeon wasn’t open to discussing the pain saying it was all normal and to go away and think of something else!! He also cleaned up the scar.

    Three weeks, like mine, means most likely a nosocomial infection.

    I hope you are able to get the best care and advice you need going forward .

  • Thanks Solo.  Like you I told them that there were signs the wound was failing.  One breast nurse tried to put steristrips on which soaked off due to seroma leak before I had even made it out of hospital.  Surgeon just wants to dress it without pac and vac but fortunately tissue viability and district nurses saying no to that.  I didn't have reconstruction at time of mastectomy and tbh after this experience I don't think I will bother