Feeling Anxious

  • 7 replies
  • 268 subscribers


I am currently undergoing chemotherapy for stage II breast cancer, I had a CT scan after my 1st cycle because it had not been requested, my oncologist did say he couldn't see that it would show anything up but it was just to be safe.  My results have come back, my oncologist has told me it is nothing to worry about but it has found 3 cysts, one on my liver, one on my ovaries and one in my left breast (my good breast), he did tell me twice it is nothing to worry about.  I just can't help worrying and am thinking the cancer has spread.  I am just waiting now for an ultrasound.  Has anyone else experiences this.  I just feel like I am on a constant rollercoaster ride.  Thank you for reading.

  • Hi Freckles2024

    I had a CT Scan when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and it showed up some cysts on my liver.  I've since had another CT Scan and I wasn't told anything about cysts on my liver so I've assumed that they have disappeared.

    Hope this helps.

    Best of luck with your ultrasound.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Daisy53,

    Thank you so much.  That does help, my oncologist has told me it isn't anything to worry about but you know how your mind works when you are diagnosed.  Just hope the ultrasound confirms that they are cysts, there I go again, possibly overthinking it all. See no evil Blush

  • I've had ovarian cyst since 2012 I've had it drained once. I've had CA125 blood tests for it over the years, last one being 2 weeks ago, all clear, so it's just a cyst that's currently annoying me.

    When I had all the tests for BC on 24th May they told me I had lots of tiny cysts in my right boob but nothing to worry about, my bc was in the left boob.

    Hope that helps

    Sue x

  • Hi Sue,

    Thank you so much, it does help.  I have my 3rd cycle of chemo next Wednesday and then 3 more after that and want to be able to ring that bell on my last chemo, which hopefully will be the 9th October.  I hope you are doing okay and have your treatment plan all sorted out.  Thank you again x

  • Hi, I am not very good circulating around this web site so sorry but I have had breast cancer lost most of my lymph nodes as it had spread and now have zoledronic acid treatment every 6 months after finishing my treatment chemo and radiation treatment. The problem I have now is I can no longer get Simple roll on deodorant it has been stopped, what can I use now which is non alcohol and no fragrance and must be a roll on. Many thanks.

  • Try Salt of the Earth Classic, natural deodorant crystal.

  • Have you tried Sanex Free roll on deodrant, that is what I use and it is brilliant x