Alternative treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 278 subscribers

Does anyone know if alternative treatment to surgery?  I e stage 2 breast cancer and told on Friday I need a mastectomy. I can face surgery and was given no information.  The nurse was meant to call me today but didn’t.  I’ve been left all weekend with this bomb shell and given zero info aside from an exercise leaflet post surgery!  I haven’t even had a discussion about surgery. Are there alternatives, immune therapy? 

  • Oh Kimbers,  so sorry that you have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  The hard things are if you are left waiting and your mind is left to think and rethink.

    The goal of treatment for breast cancer is surgery.  I don’t know of any type of breast cancer where surgery is not performed.  There are other modalities used in treatment like chemotherapy, radiation, hormone blocker therapy and immunotherapy.  Each person’s treatment is individualized so until more information is known about your tumor you will have to wait a little longer.  
    Did they tell you why you needed a mastectomy?  Did they mention lumpectomy?  
     I am sending you hugs and give the nurse a call and tell her you have questions and are very concerned.  Take care and keep us posted.


  • Hi Kimbers

    I am so sorry to hear that you have been given this news & left hanging. I received a pack the day of the diagnosis. However, they can't give you lots of information until they learn more about your type of cancer through biopsy results & then results from  surgery. It's incredible, you think breast cancer is just that but then you learn that there are so many different types & factors to take into account. Was the biopsy positive for hormones,  Her 2, triple negative as examples? The waiting to find all this out can be very difficult, I felt at times like I was losing my mind! I used this forum, spoke to the nurses at Macmillan & wrote all my questions down for every hospital appointment. Don't feel like you have to be a passive player in all this & use whatever support you can. Wishing you all the very best on this journey xx