Oncotype DX results how to make a decision about treatment

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omcotype DX results I can’t decide which treatment route to accept and am going round in circles. 
Good morning everyone, this is my first post. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May and so far have had a lumpectomy. I’ve recently had results of my oncotype dx test back which I’m really struggling to interpret despite a long conversation with my oncologist. I’ve been given the choice whether to have chemo or not. My RC score was 26. Distant reoccurrence risk with TAM alone 16% and group average absolute chemotherapy benefit >15%. 
I feel like like a rabbit in the headlights as both the thought of having chemo and the thought of not terrify me, for me both come with huge risks and benefits and I’m strongly considering the non chemo route. I do have a background in nursing which I think on this occasion may not be helping me. 
Has anyone else struggled with this decision and made the no chemo choice I feel like I’m the only one. 
thank you 

  • Hi there!

    really fascinated to know more about the cardio thing?? Is it meant to reduce recurrence or help with side effects or make treatment circulate more effectively? Or all of the above maybe? I feel this is a really interesting and often overlooked tool. Great your oncologist is on it!! 

  • I couldn't have an oncotype test as I'm premenopausal (this puzzled me a bit as I have noted that lots of premenopausal women on this forum had the test). My oncologist did the Predict test and I would have a 5% survival benefit with chemotherapy. The oncologist strongly recommended I have the chemo as I had positive nodes and my mother was diagnosed aged 29 and subsequently died aged 38. I am also a chuck everything at it kind of person so I've opted to go ahead with chemo. I think what swung it for me was to not look at the 5% in numeric terms...that 5% is 5 extra women who have survived for 15 years. 

    I think the decision is massively personal and there's no right or wrong, we just have to go with what is right for us Heart exclamation

  • Thank you so much for the response. All the suggestions are helpful. I'm in canada but will see if I can find the documentary.

    I have booked a 2nd in person appointment with the oncologist she is considered top here so I don't think I would ask for a 2nd opinion but I was so overwhelmed at the first meeting I couldn't digest it all. I now have a long list of questions and my husband will ask as well. The radiation oncologist was also really helpful as she really explained the benefits of 5 sessions of radiation and how it works so I'm totally ok with that. She also discussed the oncotype results and understood why I'm on the fence. 

    I looked back at your post I can't see your age do you mind sharing? For me being 65 is a big consideration. Other than the cancer and mild hypertension I'm very fit and active. I'm told my bio age is much younger and I don't look 65. But I do speak to others who've had chemo and they tend yo say they wouldn't do it for a 4% reduction. Others will of course. 

    I will be deciding in the next week. Thanks again!Heartpulse

  • Hi, my age is 54 and I am also fit and healthy. I think it’s difficult when your score is so close to the 25 cut off. If we had much higher scores the decision may have felt different.

    You could ask the oncologist about long and short term risks of chemo and what % risk they come with too. 

    I felt so much better once I’d made my decision.

    good luck x 

  • Ok thanks. I appreciate you sharing I am doing as much research as I can. I'm glad you feel good about your decision. 

  • Hi yes my oncologist told me that in some advanced countries they have gyms in there cancer centres. Being physically active has shown cancer survivors they have a lower risk of reoccurrence. They recommend 150 mins per week if cardiovascular exercise and strength training x 2 weekly. This has helped certain cancer survivors including breast cancer survivors. It helps with fatigue also 

  • Hi 

    My Oncotype was 28 1.1 cm tumour clear lymph nodes 2 years ago 

    I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy and take Letrozole which gives me alot of side effects 

    After a long chat with my Oncologist I chose not to have Chemo but he said I had to move on and not have treatment regret which I haven't 

    I do eat a more healthy diet since diagnosis and exercise alot more and have cut alcohol down 

    • Hope this is helpful good luck 
  • Hi! Thank you that's helpful. What is your percentage recurrence in 9 years? Mine is 16%

    I'm glad you are doing so well!

  • It's around the same as yours 

    I take Bisphosphonates every day for my bones but my Oncologist told me they help prevent cancer cells getting into your bones as well 

    Percentages are so hard to get your head around take care