Fractured ribs and spine

  • 3 replies
  • 270 subscribers

Hi everyone,

i recently posted worried about back and shoulder pain whilst awaiting bone scan results. 

i had my results of the bone scan yesterday which shown 3 fractured ribs, one with an abnormality (hot spot) & a fracture in my thoracic spine. The rib fractures are on the left side the same side as my breast cancer diagnosed in January this year.

My consultant dismissed these fractures as trauma fractures when i quite clearly told her i have had no trauma.. She told me these fractures are not cancer related as my tumor was Grade 1 stage 2 - 26mm, estrogen + & her2 negative. Margins were clear and there was no lymph node involvement. A a previous pet/ct scan was clear 6 months ago so they are taking no further action & refused an mri.

Do i just accept this, that these fractures & pains im having are nothing to do with the cancer or do i push for an MRI?

Can anyone advise on this please

thank you,


  • Have no personal experience similar to you but it would seem to me that some investigation is needed. If not by your oncologist by some other medical professional so you can determine the cause. Unless the fractures are over 6 months old I am unclear why a pet/ct scan done 6 months ago is relevant.  if you are on oestrogen-inhibiting meds then this could contribute to bone thinning. I have a dexa bone scan every couple of years to monitor my bones. 

    Probably not related to cancer but you deserve a proper answer so you can stop worrying. Keep pushing, remember you can also ask for a second opinion and you can complain to PALS and if needs be your MP.

    Hope you get it sorted and advice from someone who has had similar problems. x

  • Hi Rozalia, 

    thank you for your quick response!

    i was prescribed tamoxifen last month but due to the pain In my back ive delayed taking it as i didnt want to worsen the problem until i knew what was wrong.

    My radiotherapy has also been delayed due to the bone scan and awaiting the results.

    The consultant was so dismissive of my pain in my back which is really affecting my quality of life atm.

    I have an appointment with my GP on tuesday to discuss what I do next & ive also requested a copy of the scan report. 

    This has put me off reporting any further issues to my breast care team as thet really do not seem to care. Who could give a second opinion? Consultant said my scan was discussed in ther MDT.

    thanks again, Paula

  • I am not sure I think maybe you could ask your GP. You could also ask for a change of consultant. I asked for a change of consultant re a knee problem. It was my best decision ever as I got a really good consultant.  If you ask about other consultant do some research first, for example other patients. There may be some cancer support groups in your area where you could chat to other patients. My Macmillan centre had a coffee meeting. 

    Not related but Macmillan ran a makeup session for cancer patients it was amazing, you get lots of samples and I left feeling great. I also took advantage of the acupuncture sessions on offer by Macmillan. 

    I do hope your GP is supportive when you see them. Can you take someone with you. My daughter came with me to all my appointments and was much more forceful than I could be. She lost her mother in law to cancer in part because treatment was not 100% and she took mo nonsense. It was her questions that revealed they had failed to prescribe aromatase inhibitors for me. 

    Good luck x