Giving up treatment

  • 11 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hi all, has anyone stopped treatment part way through? I had a lumpectomy and they said I should be clear of cancer, I’ve been on EC for three treatments and have one left next week they’re every two weeks but then they want me to start on 4 lots of Paclaxitel every two weeks, I’m really struggling with side effects, I miss my work I just want to go back to being me. I had a meltdown today at sdec unit as they wanted to put a cannula in to do a ct scan, I am really bad with needles and have a picc line so that I don’t have to deal with my fear, I ended up walking away not having the scan( for possible blood clot on lungs) I’m on my own and so fed up have been crying for hours and don’t know what to do

  • It must be tough going through this on your own. You are nearly half way through this and you might find you don’t react as badly to the Paclitaxel as you have the EC. Paclitaxel is often particularly effective too. Please try to stick with it if you can, it is such a short time in the grand scheme of things. I always found the team were really good at finding things to help with side effects.