Invasive lobular breast cancer

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  • 270 subscribers

Hi folks

I now have a diagnosis.  I was initially recalled after a routine mammogram and had an ultrasound, this showed an area of concern so a biopsy was taken. Result came back as invasive lobular breast cancer, estrogen positive, HER2 neg. Stage/ grade 2, 18mm. An MRI followed,  thankfully it showed no other areas of concern. I had a pre op and saw the anaesthetist yesterday to check all good for general anaesthetic as I also have heart failure. Got the green light so lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Monday. Heck.... I’ve been really upbeat so far, with a mindset of ‘it is what it is’ and let’s get it sorted. I’m now beginning to freak a bit. It’s so weird, I don’t feel ill but know that’s all about to change with the surgery, radiotherapy and the Letrozole they want to prescribe. I’m waiting to speak with the oncologist about the Letrozole as have concerns with my heart failure. 

You are all amazing, I’m learning so much from you all and thanks for reading!

  • Question for post lumpectomy girls. I’m one month post lumpectomy one and 2 weeks post excision 2. Boob is still pretty lumpy hard and a bit sore. Thoughts on when / if it might soften up? Is scar tissue or hematoma/ setoma I wonder?? Keep obsessively prodding it!

  • Ask your BC nurse if you are worried . I had scar tissue post lumpectomy but a physio showed me how to massage it to reduce it 

  • I'm 5 weeks post lumpectomy this coming Monday, mine was very lumpy but has been softening up over the last week x

  • Thanks guys v reassuring. I’m trying to massage it but not sure if that’s helps or irritates it!! I’m running again and hoping that isn’t irritating it?? Does hurt at all when I’m running - surgeon gave me the ok but you know - one worries any anything!!

    redc- what do you think it is bruising?? 

  • I was told 6 weeks for running and wear a compression bra . I actually didn’t start until about 8 weeks post op . Massage didn’t start until about 10 weeks post op. When would was healed . 

  • I think the lumpy bit is just where they pulled all the flesh and tissue together. Assume as the stitches dissolve it flattens a bit. I've only occasionally massaged it. But I've started moisturising when I remember but not the scar itself as I've still got a hole at the bottom on my scar and a bit of a stitch sticking out.

    I'm getting desperate to go swimming, the sea was lovely and warm last Tuesday when I paddled, but I'm a bit worried because of the hole.

    I ditched the bra last night, I'm slowly purposely, losing weight and it start to slide when Im lying down, always lose off boobs before my fat ass first.

  • Welldone you fit even contemplating losing weight in amongst everything - what a warrior!!!!

    mmmmm wonder if I’ve gone early with the running?? I’m very strapped in so nothings moving and it’s so good for my head - as in id go nuts if I couldn’t go out running - but don’t want to aggravate.

    going to take the excellent advice and check in with Bcn again

    i mean I don’t blame my boob for slightly sulking after 3 ops but I’m just wondering how long it’ll carry on….. apart from

    anything I don’t know how it will be scanable in the future if it’s full of “lump”

  • I need to lose the weight I've put on since covid started, I've never been as big as I am now, not even at 9 months pregnant, and yes, I did weigh myself when in labourJoy

    I was worried about the lumpy bits and how would I know what my new normal is and what wants checking out. Sounds daft but after the op I was scared of touching my boobs as i didn't know me any more. I found my lump and the consultant said she was impressed with me finding it as it was small, I found it because I knew my body and now I don't and I find that scary.

    Lump was 7 to 9mm but after lumpectomy it was 35mm.

    Sue x

  • Well if it’s any consolation sue I’m meant to be a fitness expert! It’s kind of my job. I’m quite slim and fairly fit and still got cancer. So I can tell you I feel like getting right back in my box after preaching the benefits of health and fitness to everyone. Only thing I would say is that I bounced back after three ops quite ok so maybe that’s a positive about being fit?? And if you listen to liz o roidan she’s pretty compelling on the benefits of exercising. So anyway - go you!!!!!!

    and yes - agree totally - I can’t recognise my boob now . It just feels like it’s got a bigger version of the original lump in it really. But maybe we just need to be patient?! 

  • Yes mine was also bigger than expected and in a node when all Scans showed nothing. 8mm in node and it didn’t show!! 
    it’s a lobular thing I think?