Invasive lobular breast cancer

  • 39 replies
  • 272 subscribers

Hi folks

I now have a diagnosis.  I was initially recalled after a routine mammogram and had an ultrasound, this showed an area of concern so a biopsy was taken. Result came back as invasive lobular breast cancer, estrogen positive, HER2 neg. Stage/ grade 2, 18mm. An MRI followed,  thankfully it showed no other areas of concern. I had a pre op and saw the anaesthetist yesterday to check all good for general anaesthetic as I also have heart failure. Got the green light so lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Monday. Heck.... I’ve been really upbeat so far, with a mindset of ‘it is what it is’ and let’s get it sorted. I’m now beginning to freak a bit. It’s so weird, I don’t feel ill but know that’s all about to change with the surgery, radiotherapy and the Letrozole they want to prescribe. I’m waiting to speak with the oncologist about the Letrozole as have concerns with my heart failure. 

You are all amazing, I’m learning so much from you all and thanks for reading!

  • Hi White Lilac

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operation on Monday.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi iv just had a lumpectomy and node biopsy I was like you not feeling ill and same treatment plan and same mindset so keep possitive I'm into 3rd wk next wk since op it's all healing well and was sMuscleaight forward bit sore under arm that's all so keep pain killers up first wk and stretching exersises I'm waiting on results now so best of luck and stay possitive and strong Muscle and sending lots of hugs it's also OK to cry at times all emotions are normal and we will get through these times xxx

  • Hi I’m a few weeks ahead of you in the process. Unfortunately I had 1 or 4 nodes positive which came as a shock but after a low oncotype score my treatment sounds like the same as yours except 8 might have more radiotherapy than you will. TBC when I meet oncologist next week 

    yes it’s very good to have people to share with 

    best of luck. The op is no biggie!

  • 1 OF 4/I should have said

  • Aww yes i bet it was a shock so you dnt have to have the lymph nodes removed altogether the radiotheraphy will sort it is that the plan only some hostpitals do a clearance of them all was your tumour quite big mine was very small so hope they got it out because I had no lump but you never know the real size I wouldn't of thought untill they take it out but that's me just guessing I think we learn more as we go along but it's the waiting inbetween that's stressful but hope your feeling OK and your score was low so that's deffo a good thing x

  • Hi C22

    I hope you’re doing ok, can I ask... when and who decided to do an oncotype test please? Was it after the surgery once you had your results back? Tbh I don’t know much about the test, just what I’ve read here, not sure who qualifies for it. X

  • Many thanks for your reply, it came at the right moment last night as I was on a bit of a downer....great to read your positive message and hear you are doing well. Onwards and upwards!! X

  • Hi I hope you feel better today we sure do feel up and down it's going from being OK and then this big shock I felt possitive then numb then angry then sad and now possitive but let's see wot results bring and next steps as that's all we can do but it's good to know everyone on here will reach out with there advice as its very useful and I was scared of the op but it wasn't bad at all in fact I feel normal again after few days lol so hope all goes well xx

  • The medical team decide based on the post op pathology results . Depends on size of tumour and lymph node involvement. 

  • hi 

    it only came up after lumpectomy when it was found in 1 node. It’s expensive and only offered in certain circumstances.

     At that point they meant that the cancer had learnt how to spread so they knew they’d need something system wide. Defo hormone therapy and the chemo only if the benefit was enough vs risk of recurrence.

    i believe that most lobulars tend to be hormone receptive and slightly tend to lower oncotype scores but please don’t take that as read! Im no expert!