Midpoint ultrasound

  • 6 replies
  • 263 subscribers
  • Hi all,

I am 3 cycles down of chemotherapy and immunotherapy.Ive just had my ultrasound and the radiologist said that my tumour is slightly smaller.He did say that it's normally the EC that they see the biggest difference.I due to start that on cycle 5.I was just wondering people's experiences really in regardsto ultrasound midpoint.I am really happy it hasn't grown and is shrinking I guess I don't know what to expect.

  • Hi Budsbails23

    It's good news the the tumour has shrunk even if only a little bit.

    Best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Daisy53,

    Thank you,yes definitely gd news.It feels a lot smaller to me so perhaps was expecting them to say it had shrunk a lot xx

  • Mine hadn’t changed much after 3 rounds of EC. Was told this wasn’t unusual and will be scanned again after 2 rounds of Docetaxal  

  • JO1,

    Thank you,yes I think they see this all the time and they know what to expect.Goid luck with your treatment  xx

  • Mine didn’t shrink much but it had broken down so was flattened which apparently was a good sign. I’ve finished chemo now and overall it’s only shrunk by 8mm (from 33mm to 25mm) surgeons and oncologist are happy. I’m going to have a lumpectomy next. 

  • Hi Whatnext,

    Thank you,that's really positive that they are happy.Really gd news that it will be a lumpectomy too.I think that is what has happened to mine and would explain why I find it feels smaller. All the best for your operation xx