Lymph Node Testing

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I had breast cancer 10 years ago.  Had surgery, chemo and radiation.  Last year I had  endometrial cancer as well.  Anyway, I have a very good friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She sent me a screenshot of her results....looks like she's stage 1A.  She had a lumpectomy, so she will be doing some radiation.  But my question is regarding her testing. I was shocked to learn her surgeon didn't test any of her lymph nodes.  I have no idea why.   I had the same result from the initial biopsy...DCIS...but after surgery it was actualy invasive carcinoma and had spread to my lymph nodes, hence the chemo.   So it really worries me her surgeon didn't test any lymph nodes. I  don't want to express this to her, as I don't want to freak her out......