Face numbness

  • 6 replies
  • 265 subscribers


I had my lumpectomy and 2 nodes removed 2nd July and am awaiting the results. My armpit is still tender. The area around armpit feels like sunburn.The last couple of days I have started having tingling/numbness like when the injection at the dentist is wearing off on both sides of face cheeks under eyes, lips, anyone else experienced this.

Many Thanks 

  • Hi Daveday welcome to the forum. It can feel like what you describe in your armpit after surgery and should improve with time. Despite it being uncomfortable keep doing the exercises they gave you as this will ensure that you regain full extension of that arm.. That other sensations you are describing sound similar to when you have an allergy or been bitten. However, to be sure and reassured I would give the Breast Clinic a call and have a chat with them re these new symptons. Xx


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  • Thank you GRANNY59,  I will give my  breast care nurse a call. I'm doing my exercises 3 times a day, exercises are all fine except the last one number 9, struggle with that one but go as far as I comfortably can. 

    Many thanks for your reply

  • Hi DaveDay how did you get on? Did you manage to catch up with the Breast Nurse or not yet? 


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  • Thanks GRANNY59  I didn't call yesterday, was due to see  our grandson that lives away and was scared we might have had to cancel. I called earlier today and am waiting a call back

  • Hello GRANNY59 

    • I've had a call from my breast care nurse, she's never heard of this before and said hopefully it will settle down. I'm quite similar to yourself I took early retirement and I had a heart attack, mine was last year. Take care
  • Hi Daveday spooky or what with retiring and both having had heart attacks. Heart️ Im doing  grand though and gave up smoking which is great but the weight has piled on which is not so great  but hey we are here to tell the tale and life is good. Xxxxx should have said mine was 5 years ago now. Xx


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