
  • 6 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi, I’m waiting for my diagnosis, but have been told that it is highly unlikely it’s not cancer. I have a follow-up appointment next week, but I’m hoping they might call me first. Is this something that might happen?

  • Hi I was phoned to say to go in for results and wouldn't tell me on the phone ,it's hard waiting but try to keep buisy good luck x

  • Hi  , it’s horrible waiting for results. As you have an appointment to get your results, I’d guess (but have no inside knowledge!) that it’s unlikely they’d phone. In my own case, the doctor told me after mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies, that she was sure it was cancer. But of course nothing is certain until the pathology results are in. At my follow up appointment it was confirmed that it was cancer and my proposed treatment plan was discussed. The first stage for me was surgery, followed by hormone treatment and radiotherapy. But each case is individual. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Aww yes I'm same just on week one after op sore under arm pit from lymph nodes but neat job on lumpectomy so been told if results are OK then radiotheraphy and hormone theraphy too iv been OK really I cried at first but I think I'm just in possitive mode atm hope your OK xx

  • Thank you for replying - it’s good knowing I’m not on my own x

  • Hi, sorry your find yourself in this awful waiting game, I think honestly they are unlikely to call you if you have an appointment but I know it's so hard waiting.  I tried to keep myself busy to distract myself and I used some mindfulness apps at night to see if that would help me sleep.  For me, once I actually had the results and a treatment plan, things became a lot easier, but the waiting is so hard.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • The tranquil flute tunes are good to help you relax and some deep breathing and plenty of walks and look after yourselves girls  xx