Drains after mastectomy

  • 9 replies
  • 264 subscribers

Hi all, 

I am after a bit of advice really if anyone can help me i would be very grateful. 

I had a mastectomy on 3rd July and was unable to have reconstruction, so am now flat. That doesn't bother me but I have a drain in and it is still draining red blood colour which hasn't changed from day one and the volumes are still about 100mls every day. I can't have the drain out until it reaches 40 ml maximum. Any advise on how to get the amount lower and lighter in colour. I am drinking enough but I am really frustrated as it is becoming painful now at the exit point at my body, painkillers aren't even helping now and I'm so uncomfortable and miserable. I just can't be bothered with all this anymore and feel like giving up, as what's the point.... I want to be able to move around the house a bit easier and go out for walks again I feel like a fraud resting all the time, husband has covid and is suffering and my daughter do the bare minimum to help out. Any advice in what helps to reduce the blood leaving my body from this damn mastectomy. This can't be right after almost a fortnight. 

Sorry for the moan, I am not in a good place at the moment. Xxx 

  • Hi Sh18 welcome to the forum and you are most definitely not moaning and I am so sorry to hear you are not in such a good place at the moment but maybe little wonder. I'd be tempted to get in touch with the Breast Care Nurse about this for 2 reasons, 1) that drain has been in for 12 days now and needs reviewed as they can sometimes set up infection which could be why it is so painful so please do get that checked out. 2)Making life so miserable for you with this is not how it's meant to be and going out and about and getting fresh air is important for your recovery so again give that Breast Nurse a call that's what they are there for. I'm not sure what would stop the bleeding as it needs to come out or it will just gather under the skin and possibly result in you developing a seroma.  Please do keep in touch with us and let us know how you get on..sending some huge big hugs your way for now. Xx


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  • Hi I had that awlfull drain for 10 days I found it only started to decrease and change to a yellow when I practically bed bound myself yes it is very sore felt like severe sun burn keep your arms away from your sides and elevated at the elbows above your heart bit like armchair using pillows each side etc stay on your back at all times every time I went to do something it started to go red again in the end they removed at 60 mil per day I got a small build up but kept resting post drain as I didn’t want too much build up I understand but what you can leave alone leave alone take care it’s not forever x

  • Thank you for your reply Gail. It is lovely to hear that I am right in thinking tonget in touch with the breast care nurse in the morning. I am in pain again after going to the dining room for food earlier. I am taking ibuprofen 600mg x3 a day and plenty of cocodamol for back pain anyway, but this isn't touching it. It is just swollen and stinging all the time. Off to sleep now, as that is when I can forget about it for a couple of hours. Thank you, Sarah

  • Thank you so much for your reply. I will try a rolled up towel or blanket in the morning. I will speak to the nurses in the morning. I'm fed up of doing nothing. 

  • Hi Sh18 hope that you have managed to get some assistance today with that drain and that you are feeling a bit more comfortable Blush?


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  • Hi Gail, 

    I got in touch with the breast care nurse today and it is coming out tomorow at midday, it has become very brown, thick and sticky and the site is now very smelly. Will be glad that it will be coming out tomorrow. I have a raging temperature at the moment, so may have n infection there. Dosing up on painkillers tonight and  tomorrow morning. My hisband has covid now as well, you can't make it up... honest to god. Be glad to get it sorted. Thank you for checking in. 


  • Hi SH18 hope you feel a bit better with that drain removed. I am assuming from your previous post that you will hopefully have been given an antibiotic to clear up that infection?  Best wishes.


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  • Hi Gail, 

    Yes it's out and now antibiotics, have a haematoma, needs draining next week with a syringe back at the breast care unit. They did an ultrasound and saw 2 haematoma's in different places. So just building up to getting my proper recovery underway. Much more comfortable. Able to move my arm to almost full range again. 

    Thank you. 


  • If the haematoma gets too sore use an ice pack wrapped in a towel to keep the freeze from your skin but it's a huge bruise so cold compresses ease it a bit. That's great news for you the future is looking bright and freedom beckons xxx


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