Lumpectomy and node biopsy

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  • 266 subscribers

Hi had op 5 days ago so they say 3 wks for results and if results are all clear does anyone know if radiotheraphy is started straight after or if you have to leave a gap after the op just so hard to plan work or hols etc or can you even fly after treatment so confused lol 

    1. It’s a minimum of 6 weeks after op to let your skin heal . You will have a CT scan to plan where they target radiotherapy , it’s a minimum of a week after that .
      They may give you a date at your results appointment.   I I think depends where you live as to wait for radiotherapy. You could ask BCN. 

    2. I had 5 sessions , was told tiredness peaks at 2 weeks but I’m more tired 6 weeks later . 
      I’ve just been to Cornwall . I didn’t feel comfortable flying . Some ladies do but you will need to sort travel insurance . There will be somebody recommends one on this forum if you search . 
  • Hi thanks for reply and cornwal sounds lovely it's just anxious times waiting on results especially when you get bored and like to plan a head but very greatful my tumour was found early hope you are OK x

  • Cornwall was lovely Blush it’s really hard , I am a total control freak, it’s really hard to let it go and wait for the next stage . I’m doing okay , thank you .Hope you get the next stage of treatment soon x

  • Yes I'm the same and my daughter lives in usa and I want to see her too Sob soon but good old video calls will keep us going untill I can face flying other than that we must plod on and get fit and well I'm glad your doing OK xx