Controlling chronic diarrhoea

  • 14 replies
  • 264 subscribers

Can anyone help me with the benefit of their own experience please?

I am taking Abemacicleb and I’m very pleased to be doing so. I have just started my second cycle so it is early days. I am being affected by diarrhoea in the ways which are so well reported by others, and documented on the drug leaflet. At the moment I get acute diarrhoea every couple of days which comes on suddenly and is very well controlled by the loperamide which has been prescribed alongside it. After an attack and taking the loperamide I know I will be okay for 36 to 48 hours again.

my question is - does anyone take loperamide in a preventative way to control chronic diarrhoea rather than using it post acute diarrhoea? if so, is this through your own experimentation or have you been advised how to use the drug for this purpose, and been given the okay to do so?

Thank you for anything you can share about this. The acute diarrhoea is going to prevent me from going out and about and doing certain things so I am very keen to manage that side of it as well and sensibly as possible.

  • Thank you very much for this update, and for confirming that Imodium is the way forward!

    it sounds like your appointment answered a lot of your questions, and I’m really pleased that you have transferred to an oncologist you feel more of a connection to.

    you sound like you are going through a lot treatment wise at the moment. Hang on in there. 

    thank you again for your help. 

  • Hi

    The oncologist reduced my dose to 100mg abemaciclib as the poopys were uncontrollable. I'm not going as much but it's still explosive at times. The cramps are like really bad period pains. The wind is also toxic. ( sorry I have a terrible sense of humour. Just asking if anyone else has experienced migraine auras or visual disturbances with loperamide? It puts me off taking them. I took two yesterday before leaving the house. Migraine aura this morning woke me up it doesn't last long but it comes back later in the day. I'm going on holiday so don't want to risk taking them every day as I'm driving. I joked with mum that I should wear incontinence pads whilst driving incase I can't pull over to find a toilet. (I used to work in care so my filter is kind of broken)

  • Hi Cfell, 

    when I was on holiday and taking regular loperamide I developed a severe headache. When I checked side effects of loperamide headache was there.

    I haven’t had to use my emergency kit yet, apart from the panty liner but it consist of a large freezer bag, spare briefs and panty liners. I figure trying to poo in a freezer bag won’t be easy and See no evilpray I will never have to try but it’s there.See no evil

  • Hi Shade

    By the time I tried to open a freezer bag I would have done it. I get tummy ache then need to go straight away. I even pooped myself taking the bin to be put out for rubbish day (when I was on the full dose of abemaciclib) had to throw pants away lol I think I will be taking an emergency kit everywhere like baby wipes, nappy bags and spare pants. Excuse to make a large bag if I motivate myself lol

    Its strange the headache is not bad with them its just the aura that's really bad. when I was a kid, young adult, I had the full blown ones with numb face, arms nausea, vomming and really bad headache. That's why I find the aura so frightening. x