Auxiliary lymph node removal

  • 4 replies
  • 259 subscribers

I had breast cancer 12 years ago and underwent a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I was diagnosed again with breast cancer in November last year, this time being stage 2. I had a mastectomy before Xmas and began Chemo in February. 
I had 3 x EC Chemo after which I suffered 2 weeks of nausea each time. I then began Docetaxel Chemo. 

After my 4th treatment I developed a DVT in my left leg and subsequent bilateral Pulmonary Embolisms. My heart rhythm became distorted and beat at an extreme rate. I was admitted urgently to hospital having become extremely breathless and placed on Oxygen.

Discharged 8 days later. I agreed to a 5th treatment at a reduced rate but refused the 6th and final treatment due to the risks. 
I now await an auxiliary lymph node removal operation on 17th July. This was deferred from 3rd July to a later date due to the risks of further clots by the Anaesthetist. I am to have compression boots applied before the operation to reduce the risk. 

I am quite scared about this operation having been through so much. I am extremely thankful to my family and friends for their ongoing support but would struggle to discuss my fears for surgery with them. 

  • Hello, I’m really sorry that you have been through so much. I had Docetaxal, and I know that it is a tough one. My friend developed a clot on it, like you. With respect to your fears, you could phone the MacMillan (free) phone number and select the clinical specialist support option. They are excellent, and were really good when I phoned them. They answered all my questions, both professionally and with kindness and support. The number is 0808 808 00 00, open 8am - 8pm.

  • Hi Alfie 24

    Sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time and that you’ve been through so much

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operation when you have it.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you so much Cloudier. I will call Macmillan support tomorrow. Bless you Huggingx

    Alfie 24

  • Thank you very much Daisy53 Hugging xx

    Alfie 24